#stop genocide

They Are committing a genocide Help US!!!!

#stop genocide

Colonos (Sandinista Military Farmers) kill Farmer, Pregnant woman, and 11 year old child

#stop genocide

89% of the once thriving Miskitu inhabitants lives in fear and extreme poverty. while the UN Global Compact, Foreign Companies and Nicraguan Goverment exploits their vast natural resources with out compensation and complicity to commit genocide

Their federal complaint alleged crimes against humanity, genocide and torture of the Miskitu peoples.

There is no higher religion than human service. To work for the common good is the greatest creed.”
— Albert Schweitzer
Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega Hires Defense Counsel

San Francisco, July 5, 2017 – The Miskitu Government in exile represented by their Matriarch Rev. Josephenie E. Robertson, M.T.T. and Ercell Hendy Taswaska Fleurima appeared in the San Francisco United States District Court before presiding Judge Jon S. Tigar on June 22nd, 2017 after filing a federal complaint against Daniel Ortega, his wife Rosario Murillo, the Sandinista Party and the Republic of Nicaragua. Their federal complaint alleged crimes against humanity, genocide and torture of the Miskitu peoples.
Daniel Ortega and the other defendants hired American defense lawyers and were represented by Christopher A. Nedeau and Andrew Schwartz in association with Philip C. Swain of Foley Hoag to defend them as well as litigate on their behalf.
The highly financed defense team filed a flurry of motions to dismiss the case based on lack of jurisdiction and venue, improper process service and that plaintiffs who are proceeding in propria persona do not have the right to represent additional plaintiffs.
Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega is notoriously known for the Sandinista Revolution 1979-1990 in Nicaragua that resulted in a vicious civil war opposed by the Contras and Miskitu peoples who alleged genocide and other atrocities.
A joint peace proposal by the Democratic Speaker of the House Jim Wright and President Ronald Reagan helped precipitate a peace agreement at a meeting of five Central American chiefs of state in July of 1987.
In 2016 Daniel Ortega ran for President with his wife on his political ticket and won the national election. Rosario Murillo, 63, is not only a co-leader of the government with Ortega, as well as being the Nicaraguan government's communications czar, but is the chief architect of its strategy of shutting out independent media and keeping the press at arm’s length from her husband.
There are political indicators that his wife Rosario began to accumulate political power in 1998, after successfully defending Ortega after he was accused by his stepdaughter, Murillo’s daughter, of sexually abusing her for many years.
During the proceedings, the Miskitu plaintiffs countered each and every contention presented by Daniel Ortega’s high profile legal team.
The Court afforded the appointed representative Miskitu Princess Ercell Fleurima the right to self-representation, as well as acknowledged that the Plaintiffs are in fact the traditional authorities of the Miskitu peoples. The Court went on to decide that the Defendants claims of improper process service had no merit and ruled against dismissing the complaint, but rather gave the plaintiffs thirty days to secure representation and amend their complaint to conform to federal court standards. In a bizarre twist of judicial review the court’s requirement for the plaintiffs to have counsel for their class action lawsuit, yet, did not afford the plaintiffs an appointment of counsel to remedy this court requirement.
The Miskitu government in exile had proceeded with their complaint in propria persona (self-representation) due to the financial burdens being imposed upon the Miskitu people by the Nicaraguan government where their natural resources, farms, and livestock have been seized and plundered by the Sandinista government and colonists.
To counter this humanitarian disaster, the Miskitu government in exile, in association with Agape Food Bank in the United States and FV Gleaners of Canada, including local churches in the Miskitu territories delivered tons of humanitarian aid to their people. During this time, the Sandinista government was forcing the Miskitu peoples from their homes to make way for a new canal as well as obstructed delivery of the humanitarian aid.
The Miskitu government in exile’s presence in the Miskitu territories bore witness to famine and other atrocities where they now are alleging extrajudicial killings, withholding food and medicines from the Miskitu people as well as rapes against the Miskitu women and girls that has left the Miskitu people in a poverty stricken situation. This humanitarian disaster against the Miskitu peoples has left the financial abilities of the Miskitu government in exile in a dire financial situation as they have designated their private funds towards the humanitarian aid for their people’s plight and have little left for legal representation.
Meanwhile, during this very time that the Miskitu Government in exile is trying to bring world attention by taking the Ortega regime to Court and exposing the horrific conditions of life being imposed on the Miskitu people the new Nicaraguan colonists (colonos) who are being sent into the Miskitu territory with Nicaraguan illegal land offers, have recently murdered an 11 yard old Miskitu boy, a pregnant neighbor and a nearby farmer that has brought outrage to the plaintiffs who are seeking redress in order to halt these continual horrific atrocities.
The Miskitu plaintiffs are at this time seeking financial by appealing for help from the public and community as well as seeking out pro bono counsel in order to meet the court’s 30 day deadline to amend their complaint and have representation in order to protect their people from further atrocities.
For those interested in assisting the Miskitu peoples by making financial donations or legal assistance towards their cause please contact the Miskitu government in exile.


If you would like more information about this topic, please contact Ercell Fleurima at ercell@miskitunation.org or email at Rev. Josephenie miskitu.nation@gmail.com or Gary Mitchell email at excallibburr@yahoo.com 1-530-313-3118

Ercell or Gary
email us here

Miskitu Under Siege