GeckoSystems, an AI Robotics Co., Now Trading as OTC Current Information
/ -- CONYERS, GA--(Marketwired - Oct 20, 2016) - GeckoSystems Intl. Corp. (
"Many stock brokers decline to trade OTC Pink stocks except when designated Current Information. With our return to Current Information, it is reasonable to expect that with more brokers now trading GOSY shares, given that larger market, stock price appreciation may be expected," observed Martin Spencer, CEO, GeckoSystems Intl. Corp.
Recently, an internationally renowned market research firm, Research and Markets, again named GeckoSystems as one of the key market players in the service robotics industry. The report covers the present scenario and the growth prospects of the Global Mobile Robotics market for the period 2015-2019. Research and Markets stated in their report, that they: "...forecast the Global Mobile Robotics market to grow at a CAGR of nearly sixteen percent over the period 2015-2019." The report has been prepared based on an in-depth market analysis with inputs from industry experts and covers the Americas, the APAC, and the EMEA regions. The report is entitled, Global Professional Service Robotics Market 2015-2019.
"GeckoSystems has been recognized by Research and Markets for several years now and it is the most comprehensive report of the global service robotics industry to my knowledge. I am pleased that their experienced market researchers are sufficiently astute to accept that small service robot firms, such as GeckoSystems, can nonetheless develop advanced technologies and products as well, or better, as much larger, multi-billion dollar corporations such as AB Electrolux, etc.
"It is an honor that they recognize the value of the over 100 man-years we have invested in our proprietary AI robotics Intellectual Properties and my full time work for nearly 20 years now. Our suite of AI mobile robot solutions is well tested, portable, and extensible. It is a reality that we could partner with any other company named in the report and provide them with high-level autonomy for collision free navigation at the lowest possible cost to manufacture," remarked Spencer.
The new mobile robot concept is for better, lower cost public safety. All of those affiliated with the Company share the abject horror that most Americans are now still trying to process regarding the recent, indoor (and outdoor) mass shooting and murdering of tens of innocent victims.
To better manage those 21st century mass shootings, the Company is offering to prototype and deploy the GeckoNED(tm), a new type of mobile security robot that is a Non-violent Enforcement Device with a high level of independent mobile autonomy, sensor rich for enhanced situational awareness, and ease of teleoperation by designated public safety personnel. (See below for more information.)
The joint venture with the NYC AI firm plans to address many of the same safety, morality and ethics issues of Google's advanced DeepMind artificial intelligence project from a different perspective.
As a result of our past and present discussions with the senior, internationally recognized AI scientist, the NYC AI JV (the "JV") has decided to reveal the following benefits about the near term scope of its focused AI synergies.
The JV envisions the design of pseudo-cognitive mobile robotic systems that can monitor and demonstrate understanding of some, not all, but many, specific forms of human activity, in order to "deduce" what should benefit the person. Numerous of those lower level, fundamental needs identified are within the capabilities of GeckoSystems' AI mobile service robot (MSR) solutions and with the cooperation of person receiving care.
The goal for the pseudo-cognitive MSR is to provide context-adaptive active support to elderly care receivers and/or to individuals with specific forms of moderate to mild health issues, whether short term or chronic.
The JV believes that integrating multiple forms of different environmental and human physiological and sensing systems will enable beneficially higher levels of proactive autonomy and adaptive interaction and therefore offer a much more compelling value proposition for caregivers and care receivers.
This JV will deliver pseudo-cognitive AI engines that will be able to perform a set of advanced assistive actions currently not offered by present state-of-the-art approaches. Sensor rich MSR's produce big data requiring deep learning capabilities to achieve reliable predictive analytics to result in beneficial machine intelligence. This is much more difficult to achieve than business enterprise AI engines such as Watson, because the "answers" must be available in a "timely" fashion and in any circumstances encountered by the 7/24 caregiving MSR.
Proactive-autonomy ambulatory required assistance tasks, that is, invoking automatically executed emergent robot behaviors, based on context-specific care monitoring and situational awareness, including AI initiated approaching of a patient, following them from room to room at a close, but safe, distance to provide timely cooperative assistance whenever and wherever needed (e.g. when fatigue is observed), or waiting in a stand-by mode nearby a care receiver to offer prompt support when and as needed.
By this time, most readers will have realized that these tasks are much more challenging and difficult than those in alleged driverless or self-driving cars, drones, or fetch and/or delivery MSRs.
Major scientific contributions of the JV are in, but not limited to, these areas:
A multi-modal AI augmented and merged sensor data analysis/synthesis system that will capture, integrate, process and abstract:
1. Disparate sensor data clouds such as:
- Machine vision integration to interpret visible and non-visible light,
- Range finders
ii. Ultrasonic,
iii. Infrared (IR), passive and active
iv. and time-of-flight (TOF) depth cameras (range finders),
- Haptic (touch and dead reckoning),
- Sound: speech tonality, cadence, etc.,
- Odors such as gas, smoke, etc.
- Position and orientation
i. MEMS accelerometer
ii. Solid state compasses
iii. GPS
- Human physiological sensors regarding human state and activity,
i. Pulse rate, blood pressure, oxygenation level, blood sugar level, etc. order to quickly detect, recognize and respond to not uncommon human health states with appropriate, timely semi-professional level like responses.
The integration of the above paradigms and capabilities within a context-aware (machine awareness of the human dynamics and state) a pseudo-cognitive AI robot control architecture, which will incorporate contextual reasoning and planning regarding assistive robot actions and behavior, guiding the robot mechanism to deliver near optimal responses and to provide cost effective proactive, situation-adapted assistance, without necessitating immediate human personal intervention, to the care receiver is of significant benefit to millions of people. Obviously, implicit safety for all participants and users of such advanced machine sentience and autonomy must be ingrained. This is the primary task of the JV: Safety for human usage in all circumstances, foreseen and unforeseeable.
"Had the devastating Hurricane Matthew not impacted the southeast US coast earlier this month, I believe we would have achieved Current Information status, as originally expected, a couple of weeks ago. We continue to have numerous ongoing joint venture and/or licensing discussions with those who share the same interest in using mobile service robots to help others. I am also pleased that as the Service Robotics industry begins to offer real products to eager markets our capabilities are being recognized. We remain completely committed to providing our 1300+ shareholders the ROI they deserve. They can continue to be confident that we expect to be signing numerous multi-million-dollar licensing agreements to further substantiate and delineate the reality that GeckoSystems will enjoy additional licensing revenues to further increase shareholder value," concluded Spencer.
About Research and Markets:
Research and Markets is the leading source for international market research and market data. They hold '000's of major research publications from most of the leading publishers, consultants and analysts. They provide their clients with the latest data on international and regional markets, key industries, the top companies, new products and the latest trends.
Research and Markets Guinness Centre, Taylors Lane, Dublin 8, Ireland.
About GeckoSystems:
GeckoSystems has been developing innovative robotic technologies for nineteen years. It is CEO Martin Spencer's dream to make people's lives better through AI robotic technologies.
For example, all of those affiliated with the Company, as do most Americans, share the abject horror we are all still trying to process regarding the recent, indoor (and outdoor) mass shooting and murdering of dozens of innocent victims.
To better manage those 21st century mass shootings, the Company is offering to prototype and deploy the GeckoNED, a new type of mobile security robot that is a Non-violent Enforcement Device with a high level of independent mobile autonomy, sensor rich for enhanced situational awareness, and ease of complete control under tele-operation by designated, vetted public safety personnel. The company is working closely with their recent joint venture with an advanced AI company in New York City to enable even greater independence and implicit common sense for more coverage at a lower cost to public safety organizations such as local police, county sheriff, state law enforcement organizations and/or the school's PTA.
The following was written by Spencer shortly after the Sandy Hook mayhem, but not updated since the Pulse nightclub carnage.
Safety for our children is a moral imperative for all enlightened civilizations. The present proliferation of lethal weaponry in the form of readily obtainable semi- and full automatic pistols and rifles has brought increased child safety to nearly blinding visibility that requires new thinking and solutions for this long overdue, poorly addressed need in our culture.
Mobile robots could be the most proximate and final deterrent to those that would harm our children in public schools and other venues. GeckoSystems has named the mobile robot concept that would provide yet another barrier between our children and those immoral individuals intent on doing them significant harm the GeckoNEDä. "NED" stands for Non-violent (or non-lethal) Enforcement Device.
Fundamentally, the GeckoNED (or "NED") is a new type of mobile sentry robot that would deter, detect, and contain those that would violently harm our children in their schools. The NED would be a new type of school mascot that could be customized by the children, teachers and staff to be a daily part of their school time lives. The NED would be able to automatically patrol all wheelchair accessible areas in any school without human oversight or intervention using GeckoSystems' proven SafePath mobile robot AI navigation software.
What does it do? Deters, Detects, and Contains to provide better Protection -
1. Marquee deterrent video and audio surveillance systems with fully autonomous self-patrolling in loose crowds, etc.
2. Quick detection using AI augmented sensor fusion systems with fully autonomous auto-find/seek
3. Deployable, multiple non-lethal containment systems under direct human control only
4. Ready mobile detection, protection and containment systems that are fully tele-operable remotely
The NED would be a marquee deterrent due to its robust audio and video surveillance systems employing WiFi LAN data communications to connect to the school's Internet access. The primary, high-resolution pan/tilt zoom video camera and professional quality microphones would be selected such that their features and benefits are appropriate for the expanses to be "sight and sound" monitored in the school.
Further enhancing the marquee deterrence, the NED would be available for direct human tele-operation almost instantly when direct human control was appropriate and timely due to a clear and present danger to the children having been identified with a high level of confidence by the NED's AI enhanced sensor systems. In addition, cell phone and police band communication capability could be included using the voice synthesis ability of GeckoChatä.
The NED would:
Enable prompt intruder detection using multiple, different sensor systems (sight, sound and smell) AI fused to produce a one plus one equals three synergy. This counter-intuitive metaphor describes a common benefit of GeckoSystems' advanced artificial intelligence and sensor fusion competencies.
The NED's AI's would sensor fuse:
- Augmented Vision
- These would include machine vision, including that visible to the human eye, and that invisible, such as infra-red (IR) due to body heat, heat from fired weapons, etc. and AI software
- Extended Hearing
- Frequency response range widened beyond human hearing, into the ultrasonic using multiple microphones (omni directional and directional) and AI software
- Enhanced Smell
- Odor detection systems for appropriate gas detection, whether odorless to human sense of smell or not with intelligent inhalation system and AI software
Singly, and in concert, the preceding systems would detect unwanted intruders by:
- Video surveillance enhanced by AI object recognition machine vision
- In both visible and invisible IR light spectrums
- Audio surveillance enhanced by AI expert systems
- Within and outside human hearing range, atypical sounds such as
i. Gun shots
ii. Breaking glass
iii. Doors being broken down
iv. Students and/or staff stressed voices; screams
- Odor and odorless gas surveillance
- Smoke, carbon monoxide, and natural gas
- Potentially odors from:
i. Handguns, long guns, rifles
ii. Guns in lockers
iii. Explosives, gun ammunition in lockers
The NED would pre-position ready mobile protection that is fully tele-operable remotely when atypical situations arise. It would immediately alert pre-designated parties for human intervention and direct human control of the NED and its various containment systems.
1. The NED's exterior size would be about thirty (30) inches in diameter and seventy-two (72) inches tall
a. Cannot be readily disabled by small arms fire thus affording cover for students and staff when the NED places itself between the intruder and all others.
b. The NED's shroud could be bulletproof covering using a combination of Kevlar, ceramic armor, and/or aluminum plates sufficient for absorbing small arms fire.
1. Immediate intervention after detection resulting from a top speed, in obstacle free hallways, of up to 20 mph
a. SafePath technologies with obstacle avoidance five to six times faster than a person preclude NED hitting anything, even when under teleoperation (direct human) control.
1. Bull horns, sirens, high power speaker system and/or other sound projection systems capable of hitting the threshold of pain
The NED would have readily deployed, multiple non-lethal containment systems solely under the control of a designated, responsible party such as a "watch commander" at the local police station.
The non-violent and/or non-lethal containment capabilities would consist of:
- Targeted, high volume water spray
- Sleeping gas with directed discharge
- Irritant sprays, such as pepper spray, tear gas, etc. with directed discharge
- Acoustical stunners, flash-bangs, "stun bombs"
- Targeted net guns, "projectile nets"
- Targeted sticky foam, an extremely tacky material carried in compressed form with a propellant
- Targeted electrical stunners (Tasers)
In addition to providing children and staff in schools a higher level of safety, the school would now have a new kind of school mascot, a NED. The covering could be painted in school colors, and designed like the school mascot, if desired. For an example, Huber U. Hunt Elementary School is a tiger. They could have a tiger design with verbal UX customized for a pleasing dialect for the students. The NED's battery recharging pads would be located at various desirable sentry positions throughout school. Literally the school's NED would be unique in its use and appearance in every school.
The GeckoNED would be situationally aware and autonomous to provide a high level of safety for our school children and other "soft targets," such as movie theatres, night clubs, etc. This is completely congruent with GeckoSystems' strategic focus.
Since literally tens of thousands of public venues deserving of greater safety with better, more timely surveillance, local schools and parents will ultimately decide if having a GeckoNED watching over their children by being able to see and hear what the NED reveals for only $10-12 per month per protected child would indicate several thousand NED's to be sold within only two to three years. Anticipated MSRP is only $49,950.
The safety requirement for human quick WCET reflex time in all forms of mobile robots:
In order to understand the importance of GeckoSystems' breakthrough, proprietary, and exclusive AI software and why another Japanese robotics company desires a business relationship with GeckoSystems, it's key to acknowledge some basic realities for all forms of automatic, non-human intervention, vehicular locomotion and steering.
1. Laws of Physics such as Conservation of Energy, inertia, and momentum, limit a vehicle's ability to stop or maneuver. If, for instance, a car's braking system design cannot generate enough friction for a given road surface to stop the car in 100 feet after brake application, that's a real limitation. If a car cannot corner at more than .9g due to a combination of suspension design and road conditions, that, also, is reality. Regardless how talented a NASCAR driver may be, if his race car is inadequate, he's not going to win races.
2. At the same time, if a car driver (or pilot) is tired, drugged, distracted, etc. their reflex time becomes too slow to react in a timely fashion to unexpected direction changes of moving obstacles, or the sudden appearance of fixed obstacles. Many car "accidents" result from drunk driving due to reflex time and/or judgment impairment. Average reflex time takes between 150 & 300ms.
3. In robotic systems, "human reflex time" is known as Worst Case Execution Time (WCET). Historically, in computer systems engineering, WCET of a computational task is the maximum length of time the task could take to execute on a specific hardware platform. In big data, this is the time to load up the data to be processed, processed, and then outputted into useful distillations, summaries, or common sense insights. GeckoSystems' basic AI self-guidance navigation system processes 147 megabytes of data per second using low cost, Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) Single Board Computers (SBC's).
4. Highly trained and skilled jet fighter pilots have a reflex time (WCET) of less than 120ms. Their "eye to hand" coordination time is a fundamental criterion for them to be successful jet fighter pilots. The same holds true for all high performance forms of transportation that are sufficiently pushing the limits of the Laws of Physics to require the quickest possible reaction time for safe human control and/or usage.
5. GeckoSystems' WCET is less than 100ms, or as quick, or quicker than most gifted jet fighter pilots, NASCAR race car drivers, etc. while using low cost COTS and SBC's
6. In mobile robotic guidance systems, WCET has 3 fundamental components.
a. Sufficient Field of View (FOV) with appropriate granularity, accuracy, and update rate.
b. Rapid processing of that contextual data such that common sense responses are generated.
c. Timely physical execution of those common sense responses.
In order for any companion robot to be utilitarian for family care, it must be a "three legged milk stool."
(1) Human quick reflex time to avoid moving and/or unmapped obstacles, (GeckoNav(tm):
(2) Verbal interaction (GeckoChat(tm): with a sense of date and time (GeckoScheduler(tm):, and
(3) Ability to automatically find and follow designated parties (GeckoTrak(tm): such that verbal interaction can occur routinely with video and audio monitoring of the care receiver is uninterrupted.
An earlier third party verification of GeckoSystems' AI centric, human quick sense and avoidance of moving and/or unmapped obstacles by one of their mobile robots can be viewed here:
An overview of GeckoSystems' progress containing over 700 pictures and 120 videos can be found at
These videos illustrate the development of the technology that makes GeckoSystems a world leader in Service Robotics development. Early CareBot prototypes were slower and frequently pivoted in order to avoid a static or dynamic obstacle; later prototypes avoided obstacles without pivoting. Current CareBots avoid obstacles with a graceful "bicycle smooth" motion. The latest videos also depict the CareBot's ability to automatically go faster or slower depending on the amount of clutter (number of obstacles) within its field of view. This is especially important when avoiding moving obstacles in "loose crowd" situations like a mall or an exhibit area.
In addition to the timeline videos, GeckoSystems has numerous YouTube videos. The most popular of which are the ones showing room-to-room automatic self-navigation of the CareBot through narrow doorways and a hallway of an old 1954 home. You will see the CareBot slow down when going through the doorways because of their narrow width and then speed up as it goes across the relatively open kitchen area. There are also videos of the SafePath(tm) wheelchair, which is a migration of the CareBot AI centric navigation system to a standard power wheelchair, and recently developed cost effective depth cameras were used in this recent configuration. SafePath(tm) navigation is now available to OEM licensees and these videos show the versatility of GeckoSystems' fully autonomous navigation solution.
GeckoSystems, Star Wars Technology
The company has successfully completed an Alpha trial of its CareBot personal assistance robot for the elderly. It was tested in a home care setting and received enthusiastic support from both caregivers and care receivers. The company believes that the CareBot will increase the safety and well being of its elderly charges while decreasing stress on the caregiver and the family.
GeckoSystems is preparing for Beta testing of the CareBot prior to full-scale production and marketing. CareBot has recently incorporated Microsoft Kinect depth cameras that result in a significant cost reduction.
Kinect Enabled Personal Robot video:
Above, the CareBot demonstrates static and dynamic obstacle avoidance as it backs in and out of a narrow and cluttered alley. There is no joystick control or programmed path; movements are smoother that those achieved using a joystick control. GeckoNav creates three low levels of obstacle avoidance: reactive, proactive, and contemplative. Subsumptive AI behavior within GeckoNav enables the CareBot to reach its target destination after engaging in obstacle avoidance.
More information on the CareBot personal assistance robot:
GeckoSystems stock is quoted in the U.S. over-the-counter (OTC) markets under the ticker symbol GOSY.
GeckoSystems uses as its primary social media site for investor updates. Here is Spencer's profile:
Safe Harbor:
Statements regarding financial matters in this press release other than historical facts are "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, and as that term is defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. The Company intends that such statements about the Company's future expectations, including future revenues and earnings, technology efficacy and all other forward-looking statements be subject to the Safe Harbors created thereby. The Company is a development stage firm that continues to be dependent upon outside capital to sustain its existence. Since these statements (future operational results and sales) involve risks and uncertainties and are subject to change at any time, the Company's actual results may differ materially from expected results.
GeckoSystems Intl. Corp.
Main number: +1 678-413-9236
Fax: +1 678-413-9247
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EIN Presswire provides this news content "as is" without warranty of any kind. We do not accept any responsibility or liability for the accuracy, content, images, videos, licenses, completeness, legality, or reliability of the information contained in this article. If you have any complaints or copyright issues related to this article, kindly contact the author above.
