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The Israel Project Congratulates Alabama’s Governor and State Legislature for Adopting a Law to Ban BDS Discrimination

The Israel Project congratulates Alabama Governor Robert Bentley and the Alabama State Legislature for enacting a law banning state agencies from entering into contracts with business entities that discriminate against Israel. By taking a stand against prejudice, lawmakers have strengthened the relationship between Alabama and Israel.

WASHINGTON, May 13, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Israel Project congratulates the state of Alabama for enacting a law aimed at opposing the politically-motivated campaign to Boycott, Divest or Sanction (BDS) Israel.  The bill’s language takes square aim at hateful efforts to single out Israel by preventing Alabama from entering into contracts with business entities unless they certify that they are not and will not engage in boycotts.   

“BDS is discrimination cloaked in the language of human rights, but at its core, the effort to single out Israel is anti-Semitism, plain and simple,” said The Israel Project CEO Josh Block. “I congratulate the people of Alabama, their legislators and their governor, for seeing through this dangerous ruse and standing strongly with the Jewish state against misguided efforts to attack and delegitimize America’s closest ally in the Middle East.”  

BDS hate unfairly singles out and attempts to undermine the Jewish state.  Many key supporters of this discrimination have publicly declared their desire for Israel’s destruction. These anti-Semitic views cannot and should not be funded by taxpayer dollars, and The Israel Project commends leaders in Alabama for helping ensure that this hatred has no place in their state.

Governor Robert Bentley signed the legislation into law just as Israel was celebrating its national memorial day for fallen soldiers and preparing to celebrate its national independence day. State Senator Arthur Orr authored the bill (SB81), which passed unanimously 30-0 in the Alabama State Senate and by an overwhelming vote of 84-5 in the House. 

Alabama has now become the ninth state to pass such legislation opposing economic warfare against Israel.  Other bills to defend Israel against this hatred have already been passed in Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, South Carolina and Iowa.

About The Israel Project 

The Israel Project (TIP) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan educational organization that provides factual information about Israel and the Middle East to the press, policymakers and the public. Founded in 2003, TIP works in multiple languages to provide real-time background information, images, maps, audio, video, graphics and direct access to newsmakers. To learn more about TIP, visit

Jodie Singer
(202) 222-5899

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