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DXI Energy Releases P&NG Reserves Data for 2015

/ -- VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA -- (Marketwired) -- 03/18/16 -- DXI Energy Inc. (TSX: DXI) (NYSE MKT: DXI) ("DXI Energy" or the "Company") announces today that it has released its P&NG reserves data for 2015.

Consolidated petroleum and natural gas ("P&NG") reserves in Canada and the USA were 13,992,000 BOE at December 31, 2015. Ninety-six percent (96%) of the Company's P&NG reserves at December 31, 2015 are located in the USA at the Company's "Kokopelli" project in Garfield County, Colorado.

Summary of Oil and Gas Reserves and Net Present Values of Future Net Revenue
              As at December 31, 2015 Forecast Prices and Costs

                       Light and                  Natural Gas
                      Medium Oil    Natural Gas     Liquids       Total
                        (Mbbl)        (MMcf)        (Mbbl)        (Mboe)
                      Gross    Net  Gross    Net  Gross    Net  Gross    Net
Proved Developed
  Canada                172    145  1,024  1,016      2      2    345    316
  United States           -      -  2,273  1,641     72     58    450    331
  Total                 172    145  3,297  2,657     74     60    795    647
Proved Developed
  Canada                  -      -    324    307      1      1     55     52
  United States           -      -    668    461     33     27    144    103
  Total                   -      -    992    768     34     28    199    155
Proved Undeveloped
  Canada                  -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -
  United States           -      - 37,504 25,897  1,861  1,489  8,111  5,805
  Total                   -      - 37,504 25,897  1,861  1,489  8,111  5,805
Total Proved
  Canada                172    145  1,348  1,323      3      3    400    368
  United States           -      - 40,445 27,999  1,965  1,573  8,706  6,239
  Total                 172    145 41,793 29,322  1,968  1,576  9,106  6,607
  Canada                 34     29    495    479      1      1    118    110
  United States           -      - 22,045 15,222  1,094    875  4,768  3,412
  Total                  34     29 22,540 15,701  1,095    876  4,886  3,522
Total Proved Plus
  Canada                206    174  1,843  1,802      4      4    518    478
  United States           -      - 62,490 43,221  3,059  2,448 13,474  9,651
  Total                 206    174 64,333 45,023  3,063  2,452 13,992 10,129


                     Net Present Value of Future Net Revenue Discounted at
                                     Before Income Taxes
Reserves Category            0%         5%        10%        15%       20%
                               (in thousands of Canadian dollars)
Proved Developed
 Canada                   2,534      2,629      2,654      2,640     2,602
 United States            6,379      3,971      2,938      2,383     2,037
 Total                    8,913      6,600      5,592      5,023     4,639
Proved Developed
 Canada                     226        245        253        254       252
 United States            2,823      1,376        923        718       599
 Total                    3,049      1,621      1,176        972       851
Proved Undeveloped
 Canada                       -          -          -          -         -
 United States           87,984     31,220     10,336        395    (5,197)
 Total                   87,984     31,220     10,336        395    (5,197)
Total Proved
 Canada                   2,760      2,874      2,907      2,894     2,854
 United States           97,186     36,567     14,197      3,496    (2,561)
 Total                   99,946     39,441     17,104      6,390       294
 Canada                   1,327      1,218      1,115      1,021       939
 United States           61,610     22,726      9,403      3,565       603
 Total                   62,937     23,944     10,518      4,586     1,542
Total Proved Plus
 Canada                   4,087      4,092      4,022      3,915     3,793
 United States          158,795     59,293     23,600      7,061    (1,958)
 Total                  162,882     63,385     27,622     10,976     1,835



                        Net Present Value of Future Net Revenue
                                 Discounted at (%/Year)
                                   After Income Taxes                   Unit
Reserves Category          0%        5%       10%       15%      20%   Value
                           (in thousands of Canadian dollars)        ($/BOE)
Proved Developed
 Canada                 2,534     2,629     2,654     2,640    2,602    8.40
 United States          4,210     2,621     1,939     1,573    1,344    8.87
 Total                  6,744     5,250     4,593     4,213    3,946    8.64
Proved Developed
 Canada                   226       245       253       254      252    4.90
 United States          1,863       908       609       474      396    8.93
 Total                  2,089     1,153       862       728      648    7.57

Proved Undeveloped
 Canada                     -         -         -         -        -       -
 United States         60,789    22,043     7,339       107   (4,079)   1.78
 Total                 60,789    22,043     7,339       107   (4,079)   1.78
Total Proved
 Canada                 2,760     2,874     2,907     2,894    2,854    7.91
 United States         66,862    25,572     9,887     2,154   (2,340)   2.28
 Total                 69,622    28,446    12,794     5,048      514    2.59
 Canada                 1,327     1,218     1,115     1,021      939   10.17
 United States         42,261    15,799     6,509     2,347      200    2.76
 Total                 43,588    17,017     7,624     3,368    1,139    2.99
Total Proved Plus
 Canada                 4,087     4,092     4,022     3,915    3,793    8.43
 United States        109,123    41,371    16,397     4,500   (2,140)   2.45
 Total                113,210    45,463    20,419     8,415    1,653    2.73


Total Future Net Revenue (Undiscounted) as at December 31, 2015 Forecast
 Prices and Costs
(in thousands of Canadian dollars)


                                                     Operating   Development
                               Revenue   Royalties       Costs         Costs
Reserves Category                    $           $           $             $
Proved Reserves
 Canada                         13,326       1,545       8,042            15
 United States                 356,027      71,134     132,589        54,391
 Total                         369,353      72,679     140,631        54,406
Proved plus Probable
 Canada                         17,331       1,937      10,313            15
 United States                 564,966     112,922     205,761        86,362
 Total                         582,297     114,859     216,074        86,377


Total Future Net Revenue (Undiscounted) as at December 31, 2015 Forecast
 Prices and Costs
(in thousands of Canadian dollars)

                                        Future Net
                                            Before                Future Net
                           Abandonment      Income      Income Revenue After
                                 Costs       Taxes       Taxes  Income Taxes
Reserves Category                    $           $           $             $
Proved Reserves
 Canada                            963       2,760           -         2,760
 United States                     727      97,185      30,323        66,862
 Total                           1,690      99,945      30,323        69,622
Proved plus Probable
 Canada                            978       4,087           -         4,087
 United States                   1,127     158,795      49,672       109,123
 Total                           2,105     162,882      49,672       113,210


 Summary of Pricing and Inflation Rate Assumptions Forecast Prices and Costs
          Canada - Crude Oil and Natural Gas Liquids Price Forecast


                                   NYMEX      ICE
                                     WTI    BRENT
                                    Near     Near
                                   Month    Month               Bow
                                 Futures  Futures             River      WCS
                                Contract Contract   Light,    Crude    Crude
                                   Crude    Crude    Sweet      Oil      Oil
               Bank of               Oil      Oil    Crude   Stream   Stream
                Canada                at      FOB      Oil  Quality  Quality
               Average           Cushing    North       at       at       at
                  Noon          Oklahoma      Sea Edmonton Hardisty Hardisty
              Exchange Constant     Then     Then     Then     Then     Then
    Inflation     Rate    2016$  Current  Current  Current  Current  Current
Year        % $US/$Cdn  $US/bbl  $US/bbl  $US/bbl $Cdn/bbl $Cdn/bbl $Cdn/bbl

2016      2.0    0.725    44.00    44.00    45.00    55.86    42.82    42.26

2017      2.0    0.750    50.98    52.00    54.00    64.00    51.84    51.20

2018      2.0    0.775    55.75    58.00    61.00    68.39    56.08    55.39

2019      2.0    0.800    60.31    64.00    67.00    73.75    61.58    60.84

2020      2.0    0.825    64.67    70.00    73.00    78.79    66.97    66.18

2021      2.0    0.850    67.93    75.00    78.00    82.35    70.82    70.00

2022      2.0    0.850    71.04    80.00    83.00    88.24    76.76    75.88

2023      2.0    0.850    74.00    85.00    88.00    94.12    82.35    81.41

2024      2.0    0.850    75.00    87.88    91.39    96.48    85.87    84.90

2025      2.0    0.850    75.00    89.63    93.22    98.41    87.59    86.60

 +        2.0    0.850    75.00 +2.0%/yr +2.0%/yr +2.0%/yr +2.0%/yr +2.0%/yr

 Summary of Pricing and Inflation Rate Assumptions Forecast Prices and Costs
          Canada - Crude Oil and Natural Gas Liquids Price Forecast


          Crude      Light    Medium
            Oil      Crude     Crude
          Proxy        Oil       Oil
             at         at        at    Alberta Natural Gas Liquids (Then
       Hardisty     Cromer    Cromer            Current Dollars)

           Then       Then      Then      Spec  Edmonton  Edmonton  Pentanes
        Current    Current   Current    Ethane   Propane    Butane      Plus
Year   $Cdn/bbl   $Cdn/bbl  $Cdn/bbl  $Cdn/bbl  $Cdn/bbl  $Cdn/bbl  $Cdn/bbl

2016      35.70      53.59     50.80      8.82      9.58     41.90     60.79

2017      45.02      62.72     59.52     10.55     16.00     48.00     68.48

2018      49.06      67.02     63.60     11.19     20.52     51.29     73.17

2019      54.42      72.28     68.59     11.81     25.81     55.31     78.91

2020      59.75      77.21     73.27     12.44     27.58     59.09     84.30

2021      63.56      80.71     76.59     12.74     28.82     61.76     88.12

2022      69.32      86.47     82.06     13.43     30.88     66.18     94.41

2023      74.62      92.24     87.53     14.12     32.94     70.59    100.71

2024      78.40      94.55     89.73     14.81     33.77     72.36    103.24

2025      79.99      96.44     91.52     15.15     34.44     73.81    105.30

 +     +2.0%/yr   +2.0%/yr  +2.0%/yr         Escalate at 2% per year

               Canada - Natural Gas and Sulphur Price Forecast


            NYMEX   Midwest
       Near Month   Price @    AECO/NIT
         Contract   Chicago        Spot                  Alberta Plant Gate

                                            Spot      Spot
             Then      Then        Then Constant      Then
          Current   Current     Current   2016 $   Current      ARP Alliance
Year    $US/mmbtu $US/mmbtu  $Cdn/mmbtu  $/mmbtu   $/mmbtu  $/mmbtu  $/mmbtu

2016         2.60      2.70        2.76     2.53      2.53     2.53     2.23

2017         3.10      3.20        3.27     2.97      3.03     3.03     2.72

2018         3.30      3.40        3.45     3.09      3.21     3.21     2.87

2019         3.50      3.60        3.63     3.20      3.39     3.39     3.02

2020         3.70      3.80        3.81     3.30      3.57     3.57     3.15

2021         3.90      4.00        3.90     3.32      3.66     3.66     3.29

2022         4.10      4.20        4.10     3.43      3.86     3.86     3.51

2023         4.30      4.40        4.30     3.53      4.06     4.06     3.74

2024         4.50      4.60        4.50     3.63      4.26     4.26     3.96

2025         4.60      4.70        4.60     3.64      4.35     4.35     4.08

2026+    +2.0%/yr  +2.0%/yr    +2.0%/yr     3.64  +2.0%/yr +2.0%/yr +2.0%/yr

               Canada - Natural Gas and Sulphur Price Forecast


            Saskatchewan Plant Gate   British Columbia

                                     Westcoast      Spot   Sulphur        at
          Sask                 Sumas   Station     Plant       FOB     Plant
        Energy       Spot       Spot         2      Gate Vancouver      Gate
Year   $/mmbtu    $/mmbtu  $US/mmbtu   $/mmbtu   $/mmbtu    $US/LT   $Cdn/LT

2016      2.63       2.67       2.40      2.01      1.83    125.00    122.41

2017      3.13       3.18       2.90      2.77      2.58    125.00    116.67

2018      3.31       3.36       3.10      3.05      2.86    127.50    114.52

2019      3.49       3.54       3.30      3.38      3.19    130.05    112.56

2020      3.67       3.72       3.50      3.56      3.37    132.65    110.79

2021      3.76       3.81       3.70      3.65      3.46    135.30    109.18

2022      3.96       4.01       3.90      3.85      3.66    138.01    112.36

2023      4.16       4.21       4.10      4.05      3.86    140.77    115.61

2024      4.35       4.41       4.30      4.25      4.06    143.59    118.93

2025      4.45       4.51       4.40      4.35      4.16    146.46    122.31

2026+ +2.0%/yr   +2.0%/yr   +2.0%/yr  +2.0%/yr  +2.0%/yr  +2.0%/yr  +2.0%/yr

United States - Oil, Natural Gas Liquids and
 Natural Gas Price Forecast

                      Natural Gas
                  Oil     Liquids Natural Gas
Year          $US/bbl     $US/bbl     $US/bbl

2016            35.06       22.51        2.69

2017            41.43       26.84        3.21

2018            46.21       28.57        3.41

2019            51.00       30.30        3.62

2020            55.78       32.03        3.83

2021            59.76       33.77        4.03

2022            63.74       35.50        4.24

2023            67.73       37.23        4.45

2024            70.02       38.96        4.65

2025            71.42       39.83        4.76

2026+          +2%/yr      +2%/yr      +2%/yr

Pursuant to NYSE MKT Company Guide Section 610(b) the Company discloses that its audited consolidated financial statements for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2015, included in the Company's Form 6-K, which was filed on March 10, 2016 with the Securities and Exchange Commission, contained an audit opinion from its independent registered public accounting firm that included a going concern qualification.


DXI Energy Inc. is an upstream oil and natural gas exploration and production company operating projects in Colorado's Piceance Basin (39,352 net acres) and the Peace River Arch region in British Columbia (14,444 net acres). DXI Energy Inc. maintains offices in Calgary and Vancouver, Canada. The company is publicly traded on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE MKT: DXI) and Toronto Stock Exchange (DXI.TO).

Statements Regarding Forward-Looking Information: This news release contains statements about oil and gas production and operating activities that may constitute "forward-looking statements" or "forward- looking information" within the meaning of applicable securities legislation as they involve the implied assessment that the resources described can be profitably produced in the future, based on certain estimates and assumptions. Forward-looking statements are based on current expectations, estimates and projections that involve a number of risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated by DXI Energy and described in the forward-looking statements. These risks, uncertainties and other factors include, but are not limited to, adverse general economic conditions, operating hazards, drilling risks, inherent uncertainties in interpreting engineering and geologic data, competition, reduced availability of drilling and other well services, fluctuations in oil and gas prices and prices for drilling and other well services, government regulation and foreign political risks, fluctuations in the exchange rate between Canadian and US dollars and other currencies, as well as other risks commonly associated with the exploration and development of oil and gas properties. Additional information on these and other factors, which could affect DXI Energy Inc.'s operations or financial results, are included in DXI Energy Inc.'s reports on file with Canadian and United States securities regulatory authorities. Other risks include the Company's ongoing review by NYSE MKT ("the Exchange") to ensure the Company continues to regain compliance with Section 1003(a)(iv) of the Company Guide which addresses a Company's ability to operate as a going concern. We assume no obligation to update forward-looking statements should circumstances or management's estimates or opinions change unless otherwise required under securities law.

The TSX does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.

Follow DXI Energy's latest developments on: Facebook and Twitter @dxienergy.

DXI Energy Inc.
Robert L. Hodgkinson
Chairman & CEO

DXI Energy Inc.
Craig Allison
Investor Releations- New York

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