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EFSA@EXPO: from probiotics to metabolic function

Science and innovation can enhance welfare and prosperity, helping shape policy. The second plenary session of EFSA’s scientific conference will focus on this interplay, covering areas of major scientific research that are expected to affect regulatory assessment.

Anne Salonen of the University of Helsinki will focus on food and health, in particular, how intestinal bacteria mediate the health effects in food. Pierluigi Nicotera discusses how nutrition and metabolic changes can modify the risk of developing dementia and other degenerative disorders, a growing issue with many countries’ ageing populations. Richard M. Sharpe of Edinburgh University discusses how the level of energy stores and metabolic functions can override control of the reproductive system. Michigan State University’s James Trosko closes by looking at mechanisms to determine adverse and beneficial health effects with nutrition in the framework of the “One Health – One Planet” concept.

The second plenary session takes place on 15 October from 14:30 to 18:00. Follow the session live on the EFSA@EXPO website!

More info on the session