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DOT-Columbia University-Aura Systems-Hales Global Group Agree on CO Emission

Hales Global Group will develop, demonstrate and promulgate best-practices for advanced CO emission reduction, and energy management at both EPA and DOT.

WASHINGTON, DC, UNITED STATES, June 13, 2015 / -- In its second report to Congress, the United States Environmental Protection Agency's Office of Transportation and Air Quality identified diesel engines as significant contributors to air pollution. Engines such as the ones commonly used in transport refrigeration units contributes to the erosion of the ozone layer and is linked to increased risk of various health problems including premature mortality, heart and lung disease, and respiratory symptoms.
Aura Systems, Inc. has identified Columbia University to independently test and calibrate the on-board sensors to measure emissions from a traditional diesel engine versus Aura Systems’ electric engine. The University will collect as well as provide statistical analysis of the data obtained from the study.
Given the results supports Aura’s findings, in line with years of supporting data, the company will identify several states to manufacture the transportation refrigeration units adding to its plant in California and Georgia. Each new location will provide between 300 - to 500 new technical jobs per year with the average salary ranging from $45,000 to $60,000 dollars.
“We are proud to be representing Aura Systems and Columbia University, together they set the bar for electrification solutions,” says Larry Hales, CEO of Hales Global Group. “Columbia University engineering school suite is a tool that can help America lead the world in Air Quality emission.” Team Aura System and Columbia University are using Hales Global Group to provide new and revolutionary ways for their knowledge team to collaborate and succeed with the United Nations, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Energy and Department of Transportation using transformational solutions.
The collaboration between the Department of Transportation, Columbia University and Aura will confirm Aura’s findings that the all-electric transportation refrigeration units solution, when applied nationally, will result in potential savings of more than 100 million gallons of diesel fuel per year, reduce NMHC+NOx emission by more than 20,000 tons of particular matter, reduce CO emissions by 1,400 tons of particulate matter and reduce noise pollution from the diesel system from 100 decibels to less than 80 decibels. This is a critical step toward the improvement of our environmental and our communities.
Sharon Sputz Director of Strategic Programs, Data Science Institute The Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science at Columbia University said:
“The benefits of this study could provide validation for end users that the economic benefits to them are such that electrification becomes a priority and this would lead to very significant environmental, health, social and additional economic benefits to the nation. The study is expected to provide a roadmap to the elimination of more than 110,000 existing diesel based power generation systems that are now commonly used in intercity refrigerated trucks and provide a non diesel solution to new transport refrigeration trucks. The goals of the roadmap is to provide end users with their own economic impetus to retrofit existing diesel solutions by a validated savings of approximately 1,000 gallons of diesel fuel per year per truck in addition to diesel maintenance cost savings of an additional $1,000 per year per truck.”
The economic benefits of this study will provide the incentive for users to convert to electrification while creating over 2,150 well paying jobs and be the impetus for hundreds of new small businesses to implement the electrification program across the nation.
According to Ian Campbell, lobbyist and former Chief of Staff on Capitol Hill, more than one quarter of total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions come from the transportation sector. Truck idling affects our environment and our energy supply in several ways. On average, each idling truck produces about 21 tons of carbon dioxide (C02) and 0.3 tons of nitrogen oxides (NOx) annually totaling over 11 million tons and 150,000 tons, respectively. Diesel exhaust also contains particulates, sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, and various air toxics. Idling emissions can contribute to a number of health problems such as bronchitis, hospital admissions, respiratory symptoms, asthma attacks, and more. Trucks consume up to 1.2 billion gallons of diesel fuel every year from idling, costing $3.6 billion

Steve Folse
Hales Global Group LLC
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