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Remarks by the President at Anthony Brown for Governor Rally

The White House

Office of the Press Secretary

For Immediate Release

October 19, 2014

Dr. Henry A. Wise Junior High School

Upper Marlboro, Maryland

5:20 P.M. EDT

THE PRESIDENT: Hello! (Applause.) Hows it going, Prince Georges County? (Applause.) Thank you. (Applause.) Give it up for Anthony Brown, your next governor. (Applause.)

It is good to be here at Henry Wise Junior High. (Applause.) I know it's tough to be at school on a Sunday. (Laughter.) But its great to be with one of the best governors in America, Martin OMalley -- (applause) -- your next Lieutenant Governor, Ken Ulman -- (applause) -- one of the best congressional delegations around -- Steny Hoyer is in the house. (Applause.) Donna Edwards is here. (Applause.) Elijah Cummings; John Sarbanes; Chris Van Hollen; your Attorney General, Doug Gansler; P.G. County Executive, Rushern Baker. (Applause.) And its good to be with all of you. (Applause.)

Michelle says hello. (Applause.) Sasha, Malia, Bo, Sunny -- they all say hi. (Laughter.)


THE PRESIDENT: I love you back. (Applause.)

We are here for one reason. You just heard from him. As a first-generation American, Anthony was blessed with parents who taught him the value of service at a young age. After college, he served in the Army. After law school, he chose to reenlist in the Army Reserves. He led men and women on a tour of duty in Iraq. He earned a Bronze Star. As a public servant right here in Maryland, hes worked to create jobs and open the doors of Pre-K to more of our kids. (Applause.) Hes drawn on his own familys experience to battle domestic violence, working tirelessly to drive down the rate of domestic violence here in Maryland.

Anthony Brown has not just devoted his career to fighting for you, hes devoted his entire life to fighting for you. And thats what this election is all about -- who is going to fight for you. (Applause.)

Now, this country has made real progress since the worst economic crisis of our lifetimes. Over the past four and a half years, our businesses have created more than 10 million new jobs. (Applause.) For the first time in six years, unemployment is below 6 percent. (Applause.) A housing market that was reeling is now rebounding. An auto industry that was wheezing is now roaring, going forward. A manufacturing sector that was shedding jobs for more than a decade is now growing at nearly twice as fast as the rest of the economy. We are less dependent on foreign oil than at any time in nearly three decades. (Applause.) Six years ago, only two states allowed everybody to marry whoever they love; now its more than 30. (Applause.) About 10 million Americans have gained the peace of mind of health insurance just in one year alone. (Applause.)

So, Maryland, we have made progress. Don't let other folks say otherwise. But tonight were here because we know weve got more work to do. We are not finished. As long as theres a worker out there still looks for that new job or better job; as long as a family still looking for a job or a better job, as long that a family that has two folks working is still having to struggle making ends meet, as long as a child finds the door of opportunity locked, our fight will continue. We are fighting to make sure that every child in America, no matter what you look like, no matter where you come from, no matter who you love, no matter what your last name is, no matter how you worship, you can make it here in America if you try. (Applause.)

And we face a lot of challenges -- from stopping the spread of disease to combating violent extremism, to tackling climate change that threatens the world that we leave to our children. But the defining issue of our time, the defining challenge is making sure this economy works for every single American -- (applause) -- every single person inside of Maryland, all across this country. We've got to make sure that everybody has got a fair shot.

So when you cast that vote, youve got a choice to make. And it's a choice thats more than just between two political parties or even between two candidates. Its a choice about two very different visions for America. Whos going to fight for you -- that's what it boils down to. Whos going to fight for your future?

Now, look I believe that Republicans are patriots. I think they love their country. They love their family. But they are a broken record -- (applause) -- they keep on offering the same, tired, worn-out theories. Time and again, they offer the same economic theories that have undermined the middle class in this country. (Applause.) You ask them, what are you going to do to make the lives of Americans better, theyll say, well, we're going to give tax breaks to folks at the top. We're going to make fewer investments in things like education. We're going to loosen up rules on big banks, and credit card companies, and polluters and insurers. They want to skinny down the safety net for folks who have invested and put money into those safety nets.

We have tried all those things. We tried them before I cam into office. We know they did not work. And theyre not changing their tune. Every time the Republican Party leaders in Washington have had to take a stand on an issue that would help the middle class, what did they say?


THE PRESIDENT: They said no. They said no to the minimum wage. They said no to fair pay. Think about that. How are you going to say no to fair pay? Why would you say no to women getting paid the same as men for doing the same jobs? (Applause.) Not only did they say no to helping young people refinance their student loans, they voted to change the rules so that students would pay more on their loans.


THE PRESIDENT: The only thing they said yes to was another massive tax cut for millionaires. I know that's surprising, but that's what happened. So you know who theyre fighting for, and it aint you. It's not you. Theyre not -- (laughter.) The same Washington Republicans who blocked a $2.85-an-hour raise for some of the hardest-working folks in America -- the folks who clean out the bedpans and folks who make the rooms and -- they made it clear, if they win, one of the first things theyll do is change the rules so they can jam tax cuts for the wealthy through Congress one more time. Their leadership even said that tax cuts for those at the top are -- I'm quoting here -- are even more pressing now -- that's what they said -- tax cuts for the rich are even more pressing now than they were 30 years ago. (Laughter.)

Now, keep in mind, we're at a time when nearly all the gains of the recovery go to the top. So it's pretty hard to say now is the time to cut taxes for those folks more. That's the wrong vision for the future.

The good news is Anthony Brown has a different vision. (Applause.) Ken Ulman has a different vision. (Applause.) Theyve got a vision rooted deeply in the American Dream. A vision that says prosperity doesnt trickle up -- or doesnt trickle down from the top, it grows from a rising and thriving middle class, with more ladders of opportunity for folks who are willing to work hard to get into the middle class.

The wealthiest Americans dont need another champion. Well-banked corporations dont -- theyve got lobbyists. They don't need another champion. You do. (Applause.) Opportunity for a few Americans is not what America is all about. Opportunity for every American is what America is about. (Applause.) And that's what Anthony Brown understands.

So we believe in an economy that grows for the many, not just the few. Anthony Browns not running around promising carve-out giveaways for folks at the top, hes running to make investments in things that benefit everybody -- infrastructure that creates good jobs, education that helps more young people get ahead -- (applause) -- job training that helps workers earn new skills.

We believe in this country every child should enter school ready to learn. (Applause.) And if you elect Anthony Brown, hes going to open high-quality Pre-K to every family who wants it. (Applause.) And I want to be a partner with Anthony Brown in this effort, and we'll make that happen if you vote. (Applause.)

We think in this country, some higher education is the surest path to the middle class. So Anthony is not running to cut education. Under Anthony and Martin OMalleys watch, more Maryland students are graduating from high school, more students are enrolling in college. (Applause.) They are completing their degrees more than ever before. Theyve done more in this state to hold down the growth of public tuition than any state in America. (Applause.) And if you elect Anthony Brown, hes pledged to keep on that path.

We believe that in America, nobody who works full-time should ever have to raise their families in poverty. (Applause.) Now, just so you understand, we had one Republican governor say just a while back that the minimum wage doesnt serve any purpose. Well, tell that to millions of Americans who desperately need a raise. (Applause.) Anthony Brown understands it serves a purpose. And because he and Governor OMalley have already got the job done, some of Marylands hardest workers are going to get a raise to $10.10 an hour. (Applause.) You know who Anthony is fighting for.

Right here and across the country, Republicans are running for office, taking their cues from party leadership in Washington. Just recently, they had the brass to call the minimum wage nothing but an election-year stunt. If you are working full-time at a hard job, and a dirty job, and you're making $14,000 and $500 a year, you can't make it. Twenty-eight million Americans would benefit from an increase to $10.10 an hour. That is not a stunt. That is looking out for folks who need some help, who are working hard and are trying to do right by their family. (Applause.) Lets follow the lead of Anthony Brown. Lets get more folks in there that are going to fight for working-class families.

We believe America is stronger when women are full and equal partners in this economy. (Applause.) Earlier this year, Republicans said no to a fair pay law. One of the candidates theyre running right now says, You could argue that money is more important for men. That's what he said.


THE PRESIDENT: Now, I don't know what women he was talking to. (Laughter.) He wasnt talking to you, was he?


THE PRESIDENT: Say no. (Laughter.)

Look, if were going to strengthen the middle class in this century -- we're not talking about the 17th century -- we need leaders who belong to the 21st century. (Applause.) Lets make sure women get paid fairly. (Applause.) Lets make sure women can take time off for a loved one whos sick, for a child whos sick without losing their job. (Applause.) Lets make sure every woman can make and control her own health care choices -- (applause) -- not her boss, not an insurer, not a politician. (Applause.) We don't need policies and we don't need politicians that belong in the 50s.

Because the fact is women -- she said rule. (Applause.) That's true in my house. (Laughter.) The fact is that women are now increasingly the main breadwinners in the family. (Applause.) So this isn't just a womens issue. When women succeed, America succeeds. (Applause.) And Anthony Brown understands that.

We believe that in America -- (audience interruption.)

AUDIENCE: Booo -- (Applause.)

THE PRESIDENT: Everybody, it's okay. It's okay. (Applause.)


THE PRESIDENT: No, no, no. Hold on a second. Hold on. Hold on a second. Hold on, hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on a minute. Hold on a minute. First of all, I couldn't quite here the young man. But -- hold on. But I think actually he was concerned about immigration reform. And the problem is I'm actually for immigration reform -- (applause) -- and the reason we haven't done immigration reform is because Congress -- congressional Republicans in the House of Representatives have been blocking immigration reform.


THE PRESIDENT: So the reason I say that is because we have to have compassion. If you have a family member who, because we have not fixed a broken system, is worried about being deported, then you're going to be worried, too. Of course, he should be protesting the folks who are blocking it. (Applause.) But that's okay.

Look, we believe in an America where everybody gets a chance. (Applause.) That includes making sure that we've got an immigration system that continues to be true to our traditions, which is that we're a nation of immigrants. (Applause.) Some came by choice; some just came. (Applause.) But we have made a life for ourselves here. And we can't then close the door behind us.

We also believe in an America where nobody should go broke just because you get sick -- (applause) -- where everybody should have access to quality, affordable health care. And thanks to Obamacare -- (applause) -- the share of Americans with health care is up. (Applause.) The growth of health care costs is down. (Applause.) No American can ever again be dropped or denied coverage because youve got a preexisting condition. (Applause.) No woman can ever again be charged more just for being a woman. (Applause.)

So Republicans can keep pledging to repeal this law and deny its protections and the peace of mind that millions of Americans have. But Anthony Brown and I are going to work together to make sure this law works even better. (Applause.) Were going to get more folks in Maryland covered, more Americans getting the economic security and peace of mind that quality, affordable health care provides.


THE PRESIDENT: So, look, the bottom line is this: The Republican Party can keep telling you what theyre against. Theyre against -- I mean, you know theyre against me. (Laughter.) We know that. I mean, you all know if I propose something theyre against it. (Laughter.) If I said, apple pie is a great pie, theyd say, no, it's not. (Laughter.) We don't like apple pie. (Laughter.) So we know theyre against me. Theyre against affordable health care. Theyre against the minimum wage. Theyre against equal pay laws. Theyre against immigration reform. They deny climate change exists at all. But the good news is Democrats keep telling you what we're for, and the things we're for, and the things that will help working families. (Applause.) You deserve leaders who don't root for failure; don't try to refight the old battles; don't try to peddle fear. You deserve action thats focused on your lives, on your hopes, on your aspirations for your kids. (Applause.)

And thats why you have to vote. (Applause.) That's why youve got to vote here in Maryland. (Applause.) You know, sometimes I hear folks say, oh, you know, the system is fixed, and these folks are trying to make it harder to vote, and this and that, and theres always a reason. But you know what, there are no excuses. The future is up to us. If you want better policies out of Washington, then youve got to vote for it. (Applause.) If you want good policies to continue in Maryland, youve got to vote for it. (Applause.)

If you don't think we need more tax loopholes for companies shipping jobs overseas, and instead think we should give tax breaks to companies that are investing here in Maryland, here in America, youve got to vote. (Applause.) If you think we don't need more tax breaks for millionaires but we do need tax breaks to help working families pay for college for their kids, youve got to vote. (Applause.)

If you believe we shouldnt saddle students with even bigger loan payments, should make it easier for them to pay back student loans, youve got to vote. (Applause.) If you think Congress should stop trying to deport striving young dreamers and pass immigration reform that theyve blocked for a year, youve got to vote. (Applause.)

If you believe we shouldnt be cutting workers wages, but guaranteeing hardworking Americans that they get an honest days pay for an honest days work, youve got to have your voice heard and youve got to vote. (Applause.)

On every one of these issues there is a clear choice. On every one of these issues, Anthony Brown is on your side. (Applause.) And you know this. I mean, I'm just telling you what you already know. In state after state, the Republicans on the ballot are not for what will help you and what you believe. But you know what? They vote. The only plan theyve got right now is to try to make you so afraid, so discouraged, to tell you -- to remind you everything that's not working right -- that's their plan, is to just make people feel like government can't work. They don't offer new ideas to address it. They want to get you cynical so you don't think you can make a difference; so you won't get involved; so you won't organize; so you won't go out and vote.

Well, you know what, I'm banking that that strategy is not going to work. (Applause.) I think it underestimates the American people. (Applause.) We know folks are still struggling. Thats why were here. Theyre exactly why were still in this fight. But dont buy what theyre selling. Because despite the cynics, America is making progress. Despite unyielding opposition, there are workers who didnt have jobs when I came into office whove got a job now. (Applause.) Despite the cynicism, there are folks whove got health insurance right now who didnt have it before. (Applause.) There are kids whove got Pre-K who didnt have it before. (Applause.) There are college students who are going to college who couldnt go before. (Applause.) There are troops who were serving tour after tour who are now home with their families today. (Applause.)

Dont let them sell that kind of just constant cynicism. You have a right to feel proud and optimistic about this countrys future. Being optimistic, even when times are hard -- especially when times are hard -- that is the birthright of America.

You know, cynicism and fear didnt put a man on the moon. Cynicism and fear never won a war. It never cured a disease. It never built a business. It never fed a young mind. Cynicism didnt lead folks to march for civil rights and womens rights and workers rights. (Applause.)

Cynicism is a choice. And hope is a better choice. And we're selling hope. (Applause.) That's what Anthony Brown is about, is hope. (Applause.) That's what Ken Ulman is about, is hope. (Applause.)

Hope gives young soldiers the courage to storm a beach. Hope gives people the strength to march for their rights -- (applause) -- for workers rights, and civil rights, and gay rights, and immigration rights. (Applause.) The belief that there are better days ahead, the belief that together, we can build up our middle class and hand down something to our kids. (Applause.)

I am profoundly optimistic about this countrys future. And I need all of you to be, as well. (Applause.) And that means getting involved. Anthony Brown has devoted his life to fighting for you. You now need to fight for him. (Applause.) You need to knock on doors, make some phone calls, talk to your friends, talk to your neighbors. Go to, volunteer. Find your polling place. And I don't just need you to vote -- go find your friends and vote. (Applause.) Get your cousin to vote. Get your uncle to vote. And right here in Maryland, you can start voting this Thursday.

Because if we elect more governors like Anthony Brown, if we fill more statehouses and Congress with leaders who reflect the values and hard work and common decency of the American people -- we're not just going to win an election, we're going to keep rebuilding this economy so it works for everybody. (Applause.) Were going to keep advancing the American Dream for everybody. We're going to make sure America is for everybody and that Americas best days are still ahead. Thats what we're fighting for.

God bless you. God bless America. (Applause.)

END 5:45 P.M. EDT

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