Arms Control and International Security: St. Lucia Becomes 100th State To Endorse the Proliferation Security Initiative (PSI)
Media Note
On Tuesday, July 3, 2012, Victor LaCorbiniere, Minister of Legal Affairs, Home Affairs, and National Security of St. Lucia, publicly announced St. Lucia’s endorsement of the Proliferation Security Initiative (PSI). The United States welcomes St. Lucia’s endorsement and participation in the Initiative and looks forward to working with the Government of St. Lucia to advance the nonproliferation goals of the PSI and its Statement of Interdiction Principles. St. Lucia is the 100th state to endorse the PSI.
Launched in Krakow, Poland in 2003, PSI will mark its 10th Anniversary in May 2013. PSI participants commit to undertake measures to interdict illicit transfers of weapons of mass destruction and missile-related items, exchange relevant information, and strengthen legal authorities to conduct interdictions. Endorsing states also conduct exercises, workshops, and other activities to improve their capacities to fulfill their PSI commitments.
The United States urges all responsible states to endorse and participate in the PSI. For more information on the Proliferation Security Initiative, please see the State Department’s website:
PRN: 2012/1093