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New opinions: June 20

Kubal v. Anderson
Docket No.: 20240007
Filing Date: 6/20/2024
Case Type: Appeal - Civil - Child Support
Author: Crothers, Daniel John

Highlight: The Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act, N.D.C.C. ch. 1414.1, governs cases involving interstate custody disputes. Determination of whether North Dakota is a child's home state under the UCCJEA must be analyzed based on when the proceeding in North Dakota was commenced. Jurisdiction may exist under the UCCJEA despite North Dakota not being a child's home state.

The purpose of the UCCJEA is to promote cooperation between courts of different states and to prevent manipulation of the judicial system and undue complication of child custody disputes. Parties are required to provide the district court with information regarding other proceedings, and the district court is required to review that information.