There were 125 press releases posted in the last 24 hours and 399,215 in the last 365 days.

Alexander Schaumburg-Lippe disputed by a spokesperson for Prince Mario-Max Schaumburg-Lippe as stalker by proxy and fake

Alexander Schaumburg-Lippe hiding whilst stalking Prince Mario-Max Schaumburg-Lippe

Alexander Schaumburg-Lippe hiding whilst stalking Prince Mario-Max Schaumburg-Lippe

Alexander Schaumburg Stalking AJ Catsimatidis and Prince Mario-Max Schaumburg-Lippe

Alexander Schaumburg Stalking AJ Catsimatidis and Prince Mario-Max Schaumburg-Lippe

Birth Certificate of His Highness Prince Mario-Max Schaumburg-Lippe the son of HH Prince Waldemar and HH Princess Antonia

Birth Certificate of His Highness Prince Mario-Max Schaumburg-Lippe the son of HH Prince Waldemar and HH Princess Antonia

Prince Mario-Max Schaumburg-Lippe royal danish line of princely house

Prince Mario-Max Schaumburg-Lippe royal danish line of princely house

Prince Mario-Max Schaumburg-Lippe and Andrea AJ Catsimatidis in Paris France at Eiffeltower (c) 2024

Prince Mario-Max Schaumburg-Lippe and Andrea AJ Catsimatidis in Paris France at Eiffeltower (c) 2024

Alexander Schaumburg-Lippe disputed by a spokesperson for Prince Mario-Max Schaumburg-Lippe as stalker by proxy and fake nephew due to the lack of relationship

Alexander Schaumburg-Lippe is a German civilian fabricating that Prince Waldemar is his uncle, Not true! Alexander stalks Prince Mario-Max by Proxy by writing people cowardly, do not tell him i wrote!”
— Robert W. Cabell

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA, USA, April 25, 2024 / -- Alexander Prinz zu Schaumburg-Lippe is active again, now stalking by proxy Hollywoods royal television host Dr. Prince Mario-Max zu Schaumburg-Lippe, spokesperson Robert W. Cabell warns. He reached out on the 20th of April 2024 to stalk and badmouth Prince Mario-Max, and Alex falsely presented himself as instance or advisor, despite having no relevance or public position at all, Cabell clarifies.

"Alexander approaches third parties pretending to be be the nephew of Prince Mario-Max' father, to bully and harass Prince Mario-Max. Alexander is not the nephew of Royal Prince Waldemar (Prince Mario-Max father). Prince Waldemar and wife Princess Antonia and son Prince Mario-Max firmly distance(d) themselves and their family from Alexander! Alexander has unfortunately the same last-name that Prince Waldemar had way before Alexander, namely since 1940 already. Prince Waldemar and Prince Mario-Max and Princess Antonia zu Schaumburg-Lippe share their Royal name originating from Prince Waldemar, and Alexander is not their head of any house for them at all. They are unaffiliated with this guy. Prince Alexander is also not head of their family. Prince Alexander is also not an authority and is he is also no official by any means. Alexander is simply a stalker of Prince Mario-Max with the same last name", so Robert W. Cabell.

Cabell clarifies: All privileges of Royal houses of Germany got abolished by the German republic's constitution of 1919, so Alexander is a formal, legal and factual nobody and non-entity for Prince Mario-Max and his parents Prince Waldemar and Princess Antonia. The Royal names and titles are the only surviving privilege of the abolished princely house of Schaumburg-Lippe, and therefore solely governed by the Republic of Germany's laws and courts. Alexander has nothing to do with. His commentary is beyond irrelevant.

Prince Waldemar (since 1940), Prince Mario-Max and Princess Antonia, therefore have their own sovereign rights to their names and titles, and the hate of Civilian Alexander Schaumburg is categorized as a bully attack from an unrelated troll, following literature on online hate and stalking.

What is stalking by proxy: In a recent study, Logan (2019) found that Stalking-by-Proxy occurred in about one third of ex-partner and non-partner victims, regardless of gender. Stalking-by-proxy is the involvement by the stalker of another person(s), organization(s), agencies, or entities, in their stalking, to contact or track their victim (Mullen, et al. 2009). Stalking-by-Proxy misuses third parties to contact the victim and use people known to the victim to extend the stalkers reach. Also Stalkers use third parties to gather information about their victims.

The expert opinion: Stalking experts advice to make the actions of the bully and stalker public, so their secrecy of manipulation gets exposed, and people are warned about the stalkers actions causing harm and distress.

Alexander Schaumburg-Lippe's false narratives: Alexander Schaumburg-Lippe is a regular German citizen married to his third wife Mahkameh Navabi living in a historic building that he inherited in Bückeburg in the Federal Republic of Germany. His first German wife has a son called Heinrich Donatus Teddy Schaumburg-Lippe. Alexander stages himself with the fantasy name Fürst, legally an artist name he self-appropriated and self registered. Alexander further calls his office himself princely court chamber (Fürstliche Hofkammer) and pretends that his republic of Germany's life or his office have to do with royalty, which is pure fiction. He dresses up in costumes to mimic a royal style and always poses in front of a historic building to look noble, being a German civilian by law. In 2024 the former german monarchies have been abolished completely. So since more than 100 years (1919 constitution). Alexander abuses the wording, narratives and traditions of real Royal courts and monarchies like England, or the real ruling Princes like Monaco or Liechtenstein to fake a royal status and upmarket himself. Due to Wiki editing, his own website and his self-presentations, he tricks people into his pompous fantasies of royalty, superiority and attempts to make them believe, that he is an important official, which is false. He is a regular German guy, a civilian, with a great skill for self presentation and tricking others to follow his pompous narrative.

Alexander Schaumburg-Lippe is unrelated to Prince Mario-Max, and no nephew to his father Prince Waldemar zu Schaumburg-Lippe or his mother Princess Antonia: Alexander Schaumburg-Lippe fabricates that the Royal Prince Waldemar Schaumburg-Lippe is his uncle. This is not true and pure fiction or wishful thinking, so Robert W. Cabell.

Prince Waldemar and his wife Princess Antonia strictly distanced himself from Alexander, a guy they did not wish to be associated with. His wife Dr. Princess Antonia and their son Dr. Prince Mario-Max Schaumburg-Lippe also strongly distanced themselves from Alexander. Because Prince Waldemar is from true Royalty, he is an elegant man and his mother was Her Royal Highness Princess Feodora of Denmark, his son the lawyer and television host Prince Mario-Max and his wife the lawyer and Princess Antonia of Schaumburg-Lippe.

Alexander is obsessed with the Prince Mario-Max family since nearly 20 years:
- Alex stalks Prince Mario-Max Instagram and other social media accounts and tried to follow Dr. Prince Mario-Max intelligent and loyal girlfriend Andrea Catsimatidis, who immediately blocked this guy.
- Alex posts a copyrighted picture of Prince Mario-Max and Prince Harry being jealous of the photograph and adds hateful commentary.
- Alex used a friend of his to contact Prince Mario-Max royal spokesperson' Robert W. Cabell trying to harm and attack Prince Mario-Max' reputation.
- Alex hides cowardly by writing bad things, noting to leave his name out. He targets Prince Mario-Max audiobook and wants to stay secret in his actions: "Alexander Schaumburg, Germany Ps should you confront the gentleman about this, I would appreciate if you left my name out of it."
- Alexander also hides cowardly behind journalists and misuses journalists and friends for Stalking by Proxy.
- Alexander uses manipulative words, like he is wanting to protect the integrity and reputation of people he writes negative things to: A defamatory and sneaky way to harm his victim Prince Mario-Max, he is so jealous and envious of.

Why Alexander hides is simply answered: He made false accusations about Dr. Princess Antonia Schaumburg-Lippe in Germany and the public prosecutor in Gera Germany, warned him, that when he continues with false accusations against Dr. Princess Antonia and her family, he will end up sentenced. Instead of apologizing, Alexander blamed his lawyer for doing something wrong. The top of the chutzpa was, that Alexander used private wedding photos of Princess Antonia and Prince Waldemar for his false accusations. This guy is simply obsessed.

Robert W. Cabell thinks he needs professional help to overcome his sick obsession with the Prince Mario-Max, Prince Waldemar and Princess Antonia's family and to stop to upmarket himself falsely as an authority or Royal despite not holding any position of authority. Princess Antonia is a lawyer and was taught by German Stalking Pope Jens Hoffmann, and studied the literature and laws initiated by prosecutor Rhonda Saunders in the USA, and Robert Cabell concludes that Alexander Prinz zu Schaumburg-Lippe acts like a sadistic stalker. To end his brutal behavior, Princess Antonia even paid for mediation sessions by a judge and graduated herself as violence prevention manager. She tried everything, but nothing helped against Alexanders hate and obsession. Alexander threatened that he will follow Prince Mario-Max all his life. Alexanders actions are pure and dangerous jealousy and hate.

Therefore everybody who is or was contacted by Alexander Prinz zu Schaumburg-Lippe, is asked to forward the correspondence to Robert W. Cabell. The Royal family of Waldemar Prinz zu Schaumburg-Lippe, Dr. Mario-Max Prinz zu Schaumburg-Lippe and MMag. Dr. Prinzessin zu Schaumburg-Lippe distanced themselves many times from this man and will not keep silence about his hidden harassment any longer.

"Alexander Schaumburg-Lippe is neither a relative, authority or official, nor anything else, he is solely a sadistic obsessed bully and stalker, malicious and deceitful", Robert W. Cabell sums up.

The republic of Germany strictly regulates the use of Royal titles and names regulated by the 1919 constitutional law and the Dr. Prince Mario-Max and Dr. Princess Antonia zu Schaumburg-Lippe names are protected, guaranteed and carried under the following legal paragraphs:

A. Personal Status Act (Personenstandsgesetz)

I. § 1 Art. 1 Personal Status Act

Based on § 1 Art. 1 Personal Status Act MMPSL is fully legally entitled to bear the name Mario-Max Prinz zu Schaumburg-Lippe including the title of nobility "Prinz zu" (Prince of). This name is part of his civil status. The civil status is defined as the status of a person within the legal system, including their name (§ 1 Art. 1 Personal Status Act). The name under this definition is formally registered in the Civil registry of Altenburg, registry number: G 53/2009. The form field "Familienname" (family name) of the hereby attached birth certificate of H.H. Dr. Prince Mario-Max Schaumburg-Lippe

- attachment: birth certificate of H.H. Dr. Prince Mario-Max Schaumburg-Lippe contains the full family name of MMPSL "Prinz zu Schaumburg-Lippe" including the title of nobility "Prinz zu" (Prince of). The form field "Vorname" (First name) contains the first name of MMPSL, "Mario-Max Prince Antonius Adolf Albert Edward Oliver Gertraud Edith Helga Magdalena". The civil status entry in the birth register and the birth certificate of MMPSL are legally binding. There are no known legally effective legal restrictions, corrections, or revocations of the previously mentioned civil status entries of Mario-Max Prince Antonius Adolf Albert Edward Oliver Gertraud Edith Helga Magdalena [First Name] Prinz zu Schaumburg-Lippe [Family name).

II. Title of Nobility and German Civil Law

The title of nobility of H.H. Dr. Prince Mario-Max Prinz zu Schaumburg-Lippe "Prinz zu" is an integral part of the above mentioned legally registered name of H.H. Dr. Prince Mario-Max Schaumburg-Lippe. As a such, it cannot be separated from the legally binding effects of the civil status and is not subject to separate legal claims to not bear this title of nobility. In contrast to Anglosaxon law, a free designation of nobility is not permitted in Germany. In its decision of 28.05.2015 - 11 W 2151/14, the Higher Regional Court of Nuremberg ruled that the free choice of an aristocratic title is incompatible with Art. 48 EGBGB (Introductory Act to the German Civil Code) with fundamental principles of German law. Accordingly, freely chosen titles of nobility are not recognized in German international civil law due to the "ordre public" reservation. Since H.H. Dr. Prince Mario-Max Schaumburg-Lippe's first name and family name, including the title of nobility, are legally registered and documented under civil status law, as displayed above, Mr. H.H. Dr. Prince Mario-Max Schaumburg Lippe's title of nobility is also compatible with the recognized fundamental principles of German law.

B. German Civil Law
The full name of H.H. Dr. Prince Mario-Max Schaumburg-Lippe , including his first name and his family name with the integral part of the title of nobility are fully protected by German Civil Law. The legal protection of the name of a person is regulated in Section 12 German Civil Code "Right to a name": If the right of a person to use a name is disputed by another person, or if the interest of the person entitled to the name is injured by the unauthorized use of the same name by another person, then the person entitled may require the other to remove the infringement. If there is the concern that further infringements may ensue, the person entitled may seek a prohibitory injunction. H.H. Dr. Prince Mario-Max Schaumburg-Lippe is therefore legally entitled to sue any person that dispute(s) the right of MMPSL to bear the name Mario-Max Prince Antonius Adolf Albert Edward Oliver Gertraud Edith Helga Magdalena Prinz zu Schaumburg-Lippe.

The denial of a third party of the right of H.H. Dr. Prince Mario-Max Schaumburg-Lippe to carry the name "Prinz zu Schaumburg-Lippe" including its title of nobility is a suable "dispute" or "disputation" of MMPSL's right to a name under Art. 12 German Civil Code.

Press coverage about the legitimacy of the Royal names and titles: Robert W. Cabell clarifies that any wording like doubt, questioned, disputed, claimed or alike, about the set and factual noble titles and names, are pure hate attacks and baseless without any merit. Robert W. Cabell asks especially the voices of tabloids in connection with Prince Harry stories and girlfriend AJ Andrea Catsimatidis stories, that commented the Prince Mario-Max family, to take notice about the legal facts in 2024 summarized above and addresses this to previous authors about Real Prince Mario-Max and fake head Alexander: Caroline Graham, Pierce Morgan, Charlotte Griffith, James Gordon, Martin Robinson, Bridie Pearson-Jones, Matt Strudwick, Jessica Green, Harriet Alexander, Mara Siegler, Cindy Adams, Josh Saunders, Katherine Tinsley, Grace Piercy, Ben Chapman, Daniela Elser, Scarlett O'Toole, Dorothy Reddin, Gabrielle Wilde, Sian Honnor, Mike Graham, Kinsey Schofield, Eva Dichand, Friede Springer, Mathias Döpfner.

Prince Mario-Max, The Prince of Schaumburg-Lippe, Journalist and Reporter is the son of the real
Prince Waldemar, The Prince of Schaumburg-Lippe, Royal Banker and Author, is the husband of his sons mother
Princess Antonia, The Princess of Schaumburg-Lippe. Lawyer and Reporter.
Alexander Schaumburg-Lippe is only name-alike fake non-head of their house, and is a not related german civilian stalker and bully, who contacts people in Prince Mario-Max life and asks them to keep his name secret.

Robert W Cabell
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Fakenews Legal Action H.H. Dr. Prince Mario-Max Schaumburg-Lippe