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HACCP Training: Essential for Food Safety Success

Implementing a HACCP plan


HACCP certificate of completion

HACCP certificate of completion

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Online HACCP training solution

Online HACCP training solution

HACCP training and certification is essential for the success of any food safety program.

The modules are easy to follow. The templates and resources are very helpful. The information provided are current and insightful into the field of food safety.”
— Eva Leung
LUNENBURG, NS, CANADA, January 4, 2024 / -- As a food industry professional, understanding the critical importance of food safety. Implementing a Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) plan is fundamental to achieving safety and compliance. HACCP provides the framework for monitoring an operation from raw materials to finished product to reduce the risk of contamination or error. Regulatory agencies and auditors consider HACCP the gold standard for preventive control systems.

To develop an effective HACCP plan, there must be team members with proper training and certification. Online HACCP training courses offer a convenient way for staff to gain the knowledge and skills necessary to design, implement, and maintain a HACCP system tailored to each facility. HACCP training can ensure consistent food safety practices and confidence in the integrity of the products.

What Is HACCP and Why Is It Important?

Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) is a systematic approach to food safety that identifies potential hazards and implements controls to reduce risk. HACCP is internationally recognized as an effective means of controlling foodborne health hazards.

The HACCP system examines ingredients, processing procedures, packaging, storage, and distribution to identify points where hazards could be introduced or controlled. Critical control points (CCPs) are identified, and critical limits are established to ensure control of the identified hazards. Monitoring procedures are developed to ensure compliance with critical limits, corrective actions are determined in case of noncompliance, verification and validation activities confirm the effectiveness of the HACCP plan, and accurate record-keeping documents the HACCP system.

Implementing an effective HACCP system provides many benefits, including improved food safety, compliance with regulatory requirements, defense in liability actions, improved efficiency, and potential cost savings. Food processors around the world have incorporated HACCP principles into their food safety management systems.

Regulatory agencies like the USDA and FDA consider HACCP the most effective approach available to address food safety concerns. HACCP compliance is mandatory for industries like seafood, meat, and poultry, and many other segments are incorporating HACCP voluntarily. Earning HACCP certification demonstrates a commitment to food safety that customers, regulators, and auditors recognize and respect.

In summary, HACCP is a scientific and systematic approach to food safety that focuses on identifying and preventing hazards. A properly designed and implemented HACCP system is the foundation of a strong food safety program in any food production environment. HACCP certification is increasingly becoming an expectation and a requirement, making HACCP training essential for success in the food industry.

Assembling the HACCP Team - Who's Needed

To develop an effective HACCP plan, first assemble a knowledgeable team. As the foundation of a food safety system, the HACCP team will be tasked with identifying and controlling hazards. At a minimum, the team should include:
• A HACCP coordinator who has completed accredited HACCP training ( This person will lead the team and oversee plan development and implementation.
• Representatives from key areas like purchasing, production, quality assurance, and maintenance. These individuals understand specific processes and equipment in their departments. Their input is critical for hazard identification and control.
• A microbiologist or food technologist. This expert can advise on potential biological, chemical, and physical hazards associated with the products and processes.
• Maintenance and sanitation staff. The people responsible for equipment upkeep and hygiene have valuable insights into hazards that could be introduced or spread.
• A record-keeper. This team member will document the HACCP plan, revisions, validations, verifications, and deviations to ensure compliance and continuous improvement.

External Resources

Tap external resources to strengthen the team:
• Trade association experts. Industry groups can recommend best practices and help determine appropriate control measures.
• Consultants. Hiring a consultant is an effective way to access specialized knowledge and get guidance developing and implementing the HACCP plan.
• Suppliers. Include key suppliers on the team or ask them to review and provide input on the plan. They may spot potential issues that affect the safety of their ingredients or materials.
• Regulatory officials. Local health department inspectors or federal regulators like the FDA and USDA are willing to consult on HACCP plans. Take advantage of their experience and expertise.

With the right members and expertise in place, the HACCP team will be poised to craft a comprehensive plan tailored to the products and operations. Investing in the team will help ensure compliance, continuous improvement, and a successful HACCP program.

Conducting a Hazard Analysis - The First Principle

The first step in developing a HACCP plan is conducting a hazard analysis. This involves identifying potential food safety hazards that could exist in the product and process. Hazards can be biological (bacteria, viruses, parasites), chemical (toxic, irritant), or physical (wood, bone, metal shavings).

1. Identify all ingredients and processing steps in the flow diagram created. Analyze each individually to pinpoint where hazards may enter or multiply. Consider the source and handling of raw materials, employee hygiene, sanitation effectiveness, and temperature control.
2. Determine the likelihood and severity of each identified hazard. Those with a high likelihood of occurrence and severity are 'significant hazards' and will be addressed in the HACCP plan. Minor hazards can be handled through prerequisite programs like good manufacturing practices (GMPs).
3. Identify critical control points (CCPs) - points in the process where significant hazards can be prevented, eliminated or reduced to an acceptable level. These are essential steps that must be carefully monitored and controlled. Examples include cooking, cooling, and metal detection.
4. Establish critical limits for each CCP - minimum/maximum values that must be met to ensure food safety like time, temperature, pH, moisture level. For example, cooling cooked products from 135°F to 70°F within 2 hours.
5. Create monitoring procedures to track critical limits at each CCP. This could include checking temperature every 30 minutes during cooling. Monitoring helps quickly identify when a process is deviating from critical limits so corrections can be made.
6. Determine corrective actions in case monitoring shows a CCP is not under control. For example, re-cooking or discarding a product if it did not cool quickly enough. Corrective actions bring the CCP back under control and ensure the safety of the food.
7. Develop verification procedures to confirm that the HACCP plan is functioning as intended, like testing finished product and calibrating thermostats. Verification provides objective evidence that CCPs are properly monitored and deviations are handled correctly.
8. Keep records of CCP monitoring, corrective actions and verification to document the HACCP plan is working effectively. These records provide evidence of due diligence for auditors and regulators.

Conducting a thorough hazard analysis and identifying significant CCPs is key to developing a robust HACCP plan that will strengthen the food safety program. With a well-designed plan in place, feel confident the products meet the highest quality and safety standards.

Identifying Critical Control Points

Identifying critical control points (CCPs) is essential to developing an effective HACCP plan. CCPs are points in a food production process where hazards can be prevented, eliminated, or reduced to acceptable levels.

To determine CCPs, conduct a hazard analysis to identify potential hazards. Hazards can be biological (e.g. pathogens), chemical (e.g. toxins), or physical (e.g. metal fragments). For each identified hazard, ask the following questions:
1. Is control necessary for safety? If not, it is not a CCP.
2. Does this step eliminate or reduce the hazard to an acceptable level? If yes, this step is a CCP.
3. Could hazards occur or increase at unacceptable levels if control is lost at this point? If yes, this step is a CCP.

Once CCPs have been determined, critical limits must be established. Critical limits are the minimum and maximum parameters that must be met to ensure control of a hazard. They may include measurements of time, temperature, moisture level, pH, flow rate, or other factors.

Monitoring procedures must then be developed to ensure critical limits are being met. Monitoring may include visual inspections, audits, calibration of equipment, or taking measurements. Monitoring frequency should be sufficient to ensure control and permit prompt corrective actions.

Corrective actions must also be specified in the HACCP plan in case monitoring shows that a CCP is not under control. Corrective actions are intended to prevent potentially unsafe food from reaching consumers. They may include reworking, diverting, or disposing of the food.

The final step is establishing effective record-keeping procedures to provide evidence that the HACCP plan is functioning correctly. Records should include CCP monitoring activities, deviations, and corrective actions.

Following these steps to properly identify CCPs and establish control parameters is fundamental to developing a HACCP plan that will ensure food safety. Continuous review and improvement of the plan is key to maintaining an effective food safety system.

HACCP Training and Certification - Finding the Right Program

To develop an effective HACCP plan, the HACCP team needs proper training and certification. HACCP training provides the team with the knowledge and skills to conduct a hazard analysis, determine critical control points, establish critical limits, and develop monitoring procedures. Certification confirms each team member's competence in applying HACCP principles.

HACCP training is available through accredited online and in-person courses. Online courses offer more flexibility while in-person courses allow for hands-on learning. Look for courses that cover HACCP principles, how to develop and implement a HACCP plan, and guidance on meeting regulatory requirements. The course should be taught by experienced instructors and result in a certificate of completion or certification such as Certified HACCP
Auditor (CHA) or HACCP Coordinator (HCC).

HACCP certification confirms an individual's knowledge and ability. It is required for certain roles like HACCP Coordinator and recommended for others like Quality Assurance Manager. Common certifying bodies include the International HACCP Alliance, ASQ, and EHACCP. Certification typically involves completing a training course, having relevant experience, and passing an exam. Maintaining certification requires periodic renewal through continuing education or re-examination.

For a food business, having properly trained and certified HACCP team members is essential. They will have the expertise to develop a comprehensive HACCP plan that meets regulatory requirements and effectively controls hazards. HACCP training and certification also demonstrate the organization's commitment to food safety, which can strengthen customer and consumer confidence. Investing in education and certification helps ensure the HACCP team has the knowledge and skills for success.

In summary, HACCP training and certification are fundamental to building an effective food safety program. Seek out comprehensive training courses and credentialed certifying bodies. Properly educated and certified HACCP team members will have the expertise to develop a robust HACCP plan that meets all requirements and helps ensure safe food for customers.


In summary, HACCP training and certification is essential for the success of any food safety program. When implemented properly, HACCP provides a systematic preventive approach to food safety that helps ensure safe food production. As a food industry professional, investing in HACCP training for staff is one of the smartest decisions one can make. With HACCP knowledge and certification, a student gains a competitive advantage and the confidence of knowing the operation is producing safe food by controlling hazards and complying with regulatory requirements. Making HACCP a priority in an operation and staying up-to-date with the latest training. Customers and business will benefit from the commitment to food safety excellence through HACCP.

Stephen Sockett
+1 866-488-1410
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Video overview of Online HACCP training and certification for food companies; producers, processors / manufacturers, meat and poultry, seafood, etc.