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MyLand Earth Metaverse Announces its 2022 MyLand Metaverse™Logo Contest Winners

MyLand Metaverse™ on is a 1 to 1 digital twin of planet Earth with land NFT proof of ownership.

MyLand Metaverse™ announced winners of five categories in the MyLand Metaverse™ 2022 Logo Contest.

MyLand Metaverse™ on is a 1 to 1 digital twin of planet Earth with virtual land NFT proof of ownership.

MyLand Metaverse™ -- Create a New Earth

MyLand Metaverse™ on is a 1 to 1 digital twin of planet Earth with NFT proof of ownership.

MyLand Metaverse™ Digital Earth

As the first Earth-based Metaverse supported by all credit cards and crypto ETH/MATIC, virtual land NFT on MyLand Platform is base priced at $0.21 per land lot

MyLand.Earth delivers a unique Metaverse development and virtual real estate opportunity with the entire world’s land locations available for NFT collectors and Metaverse developers of all levels.”
— Kevin McInerney
SILICON VALLEY, CALIFORNIA, UNITED STATES, September 21, 2022/ -- Silicon Valley, California, September 21, 2022 -- MyLand Metaverse™, designed for Earth-based Metaverse development and global wildlife conservation effort, announced the winners of three categories in its Logo Contest from 8 finalists. The winners are voted for and selected by MyLand Metaverse™ Community and MyLand Metaverse™ Project Team on Discord social media platform.
The top 3 award category winners of MyLand Metaverse™ 2022 Logo Contest receive a prize of $5,000 in-game tokens. With the most community votes, the Metaverse development project Pache CCity is the winner of the 2022 MyLand Metaverse™ Logo Contest $2,000 MyLand in-game tokens. The MyLand Metaverse™ Logo Contest 2022 Winner-Select Award is a two-way tie between designer with Discord usernames Neveroninn and Answer, who are awarded with $1,000.00 each Myland in-game tokens. Queen Alice is the winner of the MyLand Metaverse™ Logo Contest 2022 Challenger Award for $1,000.00 in-game tokens.
“Thank you to all the participants in the Logo Contest and congratulations to all winners.” Kevin McInerney, MyLand Metaverse™ Project Lead says, “We are excited by the community response and the talented designers’ final works. The final four winners’ designs not only reflect the designers’ creativity, but the innovative spirit of MyLand community as well.”
MyLand Metaverse™ is the premier NFT-ready Metaverse, based on virtual land ownership in the world’s first Earth-based Metaverse which is supported by all credit cards and major crypto payment methods. MyLand Earth-based Metaverse is set to create a 3rd party app development platform that allows application, game developers and content creators to create a 3D replica of the physical Earth, providing an immersive experience for global Metaverse users. Users will visit MyLand Metaverse™ Earth locations, be entertained, enjoy virtual travel, social networking, attend sports events, music concerts etc.
Initiated by a team of seasoned Blockchain engineers, digital artists and Silicon Valley entrepreneurs, MyLand Metaverse™ set to launch its Initial Exchange Coin Offer in Q1 2023.
Since its June 28th gaming platform launch, over 80,000 virtual land lots in NFTs were sold in the first month of the launch. Global gamers, application developers, digital content creators and Metaverse enthusiasts flocked to MyLand Metaverse™ website on for the MyLand's unique digital Earth design and cost-effective land availability.
MyLand Metaverse™ plans to create world-class travel destinations with Metaverse experiences for online users to be able to enjoy Metaverse immersive experiences and tours of such natural landmarks Himalayas and Eiffel Tower, from the comfort of their living room anywhere in the world.

“Metaverse land sale and real estate trading is only a transitional step on our platform”, says Myland Metaverse Project Leader, Kevin McInerney, continues, “On the MyLand Metaverse Platform, we will have a community of global digital artists, content creators, Metaverse investors, application and game developers all work together to build our Metaverse and reach to our virtual destination in next couple of years. The transformation from traditional internet to web 3 will be massive.”
MyLand.Earth Metaverse allows NFT collectors and Metaverse developers to buy and sell virtual land parcels in NFTs and landmark sites anywhere in the world on The landmark sites are selling fast. Investors are encouraged to contact with MyLand Project Team on Discord at to receive referral codes for discount.
For detailed events information for the MyLand Logo Contest and MyLand Project NFT pricing, tokenomic details, please join MyLand Metaverse™ Discord Server and visit for project roadmap and whitepaper. You can also contact the MyLand Project Team through social media platforms below.

Media Contact:
Investors Contact:

Kevin McInerney
MyLand Metaverse LLC
+1 408-212-7780
email us here
Visit us on social media:

MyLand Metaverse™ Logo Contest 2022 - Community Vote and Discord Invite Contest Until September 15