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Phase Forward Buys Maaguzi

mergers_acquisitions_225px-w_bwJuly 28, 2009 (FinancialWire) — Phase Forward (NASDAQ: PFWD), a provider of data management solutions for clinical trials and drug safety, said it has acquired privately held Maaguzi LLC, a provider of web-based, electronic patient reported outcomes and late phase solutions, for $11 million in cash.

Maaguzi has operations in Indianapolis, Indiana and Morrisville, North Carolina. According to Phase Forward, the acquisition of Maaguzi extends the company’s integrated clinical research suite and marks its entry into the electronic patient reported outcomes and observational studies markets.

Phase Forward said that clinical studies are progressively incorporating data reported directly by patients, and electronic methods of collecting patient input offer superior quality and help to ensure higher levels of regulatory compliance than traditional paper diary methods.

The company said that, while market was initially addressed with PDA-based solutions, Maaguzi’s technology is developing the next generation of ePRO solutions that leverage web-based interfaces, providing greater cost-effectiveness and the ability to address a broader range of electronic patient reported outcomes market requirements.

Phase Forward also cited a growing focus on late phase, observational studies and registries that combine investigator-collected and patient-reported data. It said that Maaguzi’s Outcome Logix product unifies both investigator-collected and patient-reported data into a single web-based system supported on all common browsers.

Waltham, Massachusetts-based Phase Forward’s products and services have been utilized in clinical trials at more than 290 organizations and regulatory agencies worldwide.

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