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Ministry of Health Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update 18/03/2020

SAMOA, March 18 - ⚠️UPDATED INFORMATION as of 19 March 2020 from the Public Health, Ministry of Health Samoa states that the turnaround time for testing samples from Samoa will be between 3 to 5 days⚠️


18th March 2020 ; As of this morning, the Ministry of Health is investigating one patient for Coronavirus (COVID-19). This is a suspected case only.

The patient was admitted this morning Wednesday 18th March 2020, to the TTM Hospital Motootua after experiencing flu-like symptoms for 2 days. Patient resides in Auckland, and flew in from New Zealand on Wednesday 11 March 2020 for a family occasion.

This patient is currently receiving care at the TTM Hospital and is being cared for separately from other patients. The status is currently stable.

The patient’s samples have been sent to Australia for COVID-19 testing and results should be available in 10-20 working days (Pending Customs Clearance).

The Ministry is presently undertaking contact tracing of all possible contacts.

The public will be updated immediately as soon as we have further information.

We encourage all persons who have travelled or transited through countries affected by COVID-19 to monitor themselves for the development of fever, cough and shortness of breath. If you have any of these symptoms please contact the Ministry of Health COVID-19 call centre for advice.

Additionally, please self-isolate at home. That is to stay in a separate room from family members and use separate eating and drinking utensils.

The Ministry of Health is taking full precautions and preventive measures, to control the transmission of COVID-19, including preparing the health system to treat and care for our patients when the first case arrives.

The public also needs to do its part to protect Samoa:

1. Wash your hands regularly with soap and clean water or alcohol-based hand rub.
2. Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue and throw it into a bin and wash your hands after.
3. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth
4. Call a healthcare provider if you feel sick for medical advice
5. Avoid unnecessary travel
6. Avoid mass gatherings and keep a distance of 1 meter from people with flu-like symptoms.
7. Clean frequently touched surfaces (i.e. door knobs, counters, phones).
8. Avoid UNNECCESSARY visits to hospital, limit family visits to hospital to 1 person, and keep children under age 19 away from hospital

Please check our website and facebook pages for accurate and updated facts, information and travel advisory.

Facebook: @samoagovt @publichealthsamoa Coronavirus Call Centre: #21183, #21176, #21173, #22914, #22241, #24402 Ministry of Health Website: