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PGR announces regionalization of services

Ndalatando, ANGOLA, January 16 - The Attorney General, Hélder Pitta Gróz, announced today (Thursday) in Ndalatando (Cuanza Norte) the creation of regional coordination of the Attorney General's Office (PGR), with the aim of providing swift responses to processes.,

Speaking to the press during a 24-hour visit to the province, he said that the coordination of the northern region, whose headquarters will be in the province of Kwanza Norte, will bring together the provinces of Bengo, Malange, Zaire, Uige and Cabinda.

The province of Huila will be the headquarters of the coordination of the southern region, which will be in operation shortly after that of the north.

Helder Pitta Gróz said the idea is to enable citizens to respond quickly and effectively to the agency's services, as well as to bring PGR closer to communities.

The coordination of the PGR for the northern region, he said, will be headed by Deputy Attorney General João Luís de Freitas Coelho, who will have the task of overseeing the activity of these provinces, promoting joint work and designing training cycles for magistrates.

In view of this, during his visit to the province of Kwanza Norte, the top prosecutor was accompanied by prosecutors from the provinces of Bengo, Malange, Zaire, Uíge and Cabinda, who are already working on the verification of cases requiring intervention, especially the cases of embezzlement.


In keeping with the agenda of his work visit, Helder Pitta Gróz held meetings with the presiding judge of the Cazengo District Court, the Interior Ministry delegate and military magistrates.

The Attorney General's agenda included listening to the concerns of the sector's officials and administrative technicians.

The Attorney General's Office in Cuanza Norte operates with 17 magistrates, distributed in four of the ten municipalities of the province, Cazengo (headquarters), Cambambe, Golungo-Alto and Ambaca, the latter with broad jurisdiction to the municipalities of Samba-Cajú, Quiculungo, Bolongongo and Banga.
