Fitness Business Leader Expands Services

HNR A Business Within A Business

HNR A Business Within A Business

“Tempest Has Been Busy Advising Club Owners During COVID19"

“Tempest Has Been Busy Advising Club Owners During COVID19"

Fitness Business Speaker Leader Podcast

Fitness Business Testimonial

Fitness Business Leader Expands Services

"I have spent hours talking to business owners during COVID19 advising them on how to move forward in a profitable manner and a lot of problem-solving thru such uncertain times.”
— Mel Tempest - Ambassador - Speaker - Leader - Gym Owner

MELBOURNE, VICTORIA, AUSTRALIA, October 16, 2020 / -- Mel Tempest has broadened her business and is now working in the industry as an advisor to club owners, innovators and suppliers.
Tempest is already working on several fitness business projects and events for 2021, consulting to club owners on programming and innovation and is heavily focused on opening the doors of opportunity for women. She is cited as saying "I have spent hours talking to business owners during COVID19 advising them on how to move forward in a profitable manner and a lot of problem-solving thru such uncertain times. We have had some great results!
2021 is set to be a busy year with events, advising, launching new products and podcasting I'm looking forward to this new journey in my career.

In 2017 Mel Tempest was the first Australian to receive an award from IHRSA. In 2017 her health club was in the top 3 Smart Company Australian awards, In 2019 And 2020 Mel was recognised as a top 3 fitness business influencers in the USA by the Association Of Fitness Studios. In 2005 she was the first Australian to receive approval from the Equal Opportunity Board and Human Rights Commission to open Australia’s first male gym.

Mel Tempest is the CEO and the founder at Ignite Fitness Business Events, the host and founder of The Gym Owners Fitness Business Podcast and The Women's Leaders Fitness Business Podcast. Tempest organises fitness business events and roundtable events globally. Runs a women's educational platform, is a Keynote speaker and full-time fitness business ambassador. Her current focus is working with clubs to create unique niches in their market space with innovation, programming, technology and operational strategies. Tempest currently works in her own health club and is still active in teaching, she says seventeen years of success, owning the building and all assets relates to understanding our consumer, not offering same and being an early adopter and a great team has contributed to our success. Our club has been recognised as a leader globally and that is my plan for all my clients, to lead a bigger bolder business. Tempest has spoken at IHRSA, FIBO USA, FIT SUMMIT, EXPRO and FILEX to mention a few and is an ambassador for FITREC Fitness Registration professional.

Tempest is often called upon to speak on inspiration with her autobiography moving thousands. Known to have a voice that asks for accountability she is often the first point of call for her peers.

Her greatest success she says is she has proven with no education to back her up you can become the best version of you and you can create change and inspire others.

Mel Tempest
Mel Tempest Fitness Business Industry Advisor
+61 3 5338 7320
email us here