Governor Mills Statement on Violence at U.S. Capitol
Governor Janet Mills issued the following statement in response to the violence and destruction at the U.S. Capitol today:
“Like many Americans, I condemn the violence and destruction occurring at the U.S. Capitol. Our country has conducted a free and a fair election in which the American people have spoken, and now the peaceful transfer of power – a hallmark of our democracy – must proceed. I do not believe what we are seeing today is sanctioned by most Americans; nor do I believe it represents the true character of the American people. But it is a clear and troubling reflection of our fractured nation. The violence must end, and all leaders, of every political stripe, including the President, must forcefully denounce these actions and defend our democracy. All Americans, regardless of politics, must work to restore the honor, decency, and integrity that is truly reflective of the character of our people and our country.”