Reserve Loadmaster Serves Country and Community
Staff Sgt. Eleazar Grimes is a United States Air Force Reserve loadmaster for the 728th Airlift Squadron. After enlisting and completing his required training he reported to the 728th where he met Master Sergeant Kyle Harris. Harris has been a full-time Deputy Sheriff for over 18-years and is also a reserve loadmaster. After talking to Harris about starting a career in law enforcement Grimes applied and was hired by the Tacoma Police Department.
“I always wanted to fly, my dad retired from the Air Force. He was a Flight Engineer on a C-141 Starlifter and growing up hearing the places and opportunities that he experienced inspired me to want to do the same,” said Grimes. “I enjoy flying and serving my community as a police officer, but I could never pick which one I love more. Thankfully, the reserve allows me the flexibility to do both. Being able to support my local community with a department that supports Community Oriented Policing and encourages officers to be plugged in with the citizens that we serve is such a rewarding experience.”
“My wife, my newborn daughter, and even my civilian job. I owe it all to the connections and opportunities I’ve had in the reserve,” said Grimes. The flexibility offered by both the Tacoma Police Department and the reserve, allows me to serve my local community while on patrol and still support global airlift missions around the world.”
“When Grimes first reported to the 728th it was clear to see his passion and drive to help others,” said Harris. “He asked me what it was like being a law enforcement officer and how he could get involved.”
Since completing his police training, Grimes aspires to one day become a K-9 officer and eventually a detective with the department.
“Being a law enforcement officer and an airman in the Air Force goes hand in hand, both build a strong foundation in responsibility, self-drive, and accountability,” said Harris. “Being a great airman makes you a better officer, and vice versa.”
The technical training provided by the reserve provides members the skills to reach new heights both in and out of uniform. The Air Force Reserve is invested in providing the highest quality training so that they can provide ready airmen to complete any mission.