Lords Of Fortune Launches Abundantia LP US Fund to Market Treasure from the 1909 Shipwreck RMS Republic
The fund expects to limit initial investment to $8.5 million and expects to quickly grow to USD 3.5 billion AUM with its recovery of rare gold coin cargoes.
The fabled gold of the RMS Republic has taunted treasure hunters for more than a century. The day after her sinking, newspapers published multiple unconfirmed reports that "a large sum of money" had gone down with the ship, riches that were later described to be "beyond most men's wildest dreams." Only relatively recently, however, has subsea technology - utilizing a Diving Support Vessel with a saturation diving system - enabled a real and unique opportunity to recover her riches. The hunt for the Republic's treasure has become one of the most publicized and followed sunken treasure stories in the world. The prize? The GOAT, the Greatest Of All Treasures lost at sea. Lords of Fortune has identified two (2) cargoes, a $25 million Tsarist gold shipment and an $800,000 US Navy shipment, both 1909 face values when gold was $20.67 per ounce. “The problem for Lords of Fortune was how to manage this vast wealth to maximize value for our investors over the long-term,” said Capt. Martin Bayerle, Managing Member of Lords of Fortune.
A Limited Partnership is a popular investment vehicle in the US for tax minimization for US taxpayers and an ideal solution. It is a passive flow-through entity, so no double taxation. Also, a Limited Partnership share, since it is passive, if held for three years, would be subject to the long term capital gains taxation - a significant reduction in tax for US taxpayers. This is not tax advice; each individual should consult with their own tax advisers.
“It is a hedge fund design, with our distinct long term value proposition of marketing gold eagle coins to maximize their revenue for the partnership. I like to think of our unique niche in numismatics as the De Beers of US gold eagle coins.” said Capt. Bayerle.
For the Republic recovery, Limited partners will share 50% of the first $400 million, then 20% thereafter — pro rata to their investment. One limited partner gets all the Limited Partnership's share. Multiple Limited Partners would share pro rata to their investment and is subject to the specific terms in the offering memorandum. With a successful recovery, an $8 million investment should return $200 million conservatively, a 25X return. Add the Russian gold, 45 tons of gold eagles on melt value alone, and you exceed 100X! Detailed terms and Risks are specified in the Offering Memorandum.
“We intend to make available between $5 million and 8.5 million dollars in shares, which we believe will be sufficient to reach Republic's gold cargoes (the Exploratory Budget). Once that event happens, we should be able to debt finance any amount needed to complete the multi USD billion dollar recovery – estimated to cost another $25 million to $30 million. We leverage our initial funds and gold recovery to achieve our goal. We are looking to accept only one or two Limited Partners, certainly no more than a handful. Hopefully, there will be no need to accept additional Limited Partner investment; we essentially leverage the investment from our initial investors, thereby maximizing their return on investment. Leverage, of course, is a common hedge fund strategy, hence the structure of the deal,” he said.
He continued, “We can set up a mirror entity in the Cayman Islands if our foreign investors would prefer that jurisdiction. You should consult your personal tax situation with appropriate advisers. Remember, our recovery takes place extra-territorial US in international waters.”
As for expenses, the Exploratory Budget, Lords of Fortune will vet all proposals through their marine engineers Martin Ottaway.
The US Navy monies shipment alone should exceed USD 400 million. “We propose to market the US Navy monies first since we will have a greater markup on that cargo's composition - pennies to double eagles - than we would on rare gold double eagles. For example, a 1907 penny with a numismatic value of $7.00, perhaps with a "Treasure of the RMS Republic" provenance, might sell for $29.95. The market for small denomination coins is much greater than the market for, as an example, a $65,000 rare double eagle,” he said.
But, it will take time to recover, properly preserve, conserve, grade, encapsulate, and market the Navy cargo - hence the expected two (2) year lock-up period.
As for the expected Russian cargo, 45 tons of US gold eagles, “we would want to maximize that value over the long term, years to decades. That will essentially be the revenue generator for Abundantia LP over the long term - to bring certain coins to market when the sale would be most beneficial and advantageous to the partnership. We intend to maximize value. But we cannot predict over time exactly what these coins will generate, hence our bookkeeping valuation by weight. We do not intend to melt any coins! Limited Partners can ride with us over the long term, or exit the partnership at any time after the initial lock-up period, but would exit only on the lower 'weight only' valuation,” he said. Incidentally, the weight-only value of the Russian cargo, 45 tons, at the current price of gold today, exceeds USD 3.5 billion.
“The General Partner has great flexibility in modifying the terms for any particular partner to meet a particular need; please let me know and I'll see what we can do,” he said.
Our current newsletter, March 2025 No. 3, with several investment/participation opportunities, including crowdfunding, is available at:
“Join us as we solve this century-old mystery of the 'Millionaires' Ship."
Martin Bayerle
Lords of Fortune LLC
+ +1 772-494-6900
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WATCH NOW: Lords Of Fortune 2025 Republic Recovery at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k21cWch7RBg

1 https://LordsOfFortune.com/reference/LoFNewsletter03-2025.pdf