Building Global Connections: Unlocking Business Opportunities with Asian Development Bank
ADB undertakes Business Opportunities Seminars (BOSs) in its members to improve the interest and ability of eligible suppliers to locate ADB business opportunities, prepare high-quality and responsive bids, and understand ADB’s procurement and anticorruption procedures. PPFD will continue to offer and host virtual events, in cooperation with host organizations, to plan and deliver an engaging virtual event using any desired videoconferencing platform, flexible around the practical realities of maintaining virtual audience engagement. Online delivery of business outreach events increases the representation of ADB speakers and greater flexibility in seminar design.
This webinar aims to unlock business opportunities for Malaysian companies especially in the construction, transport and energy sector, who are interested to supply for projects under ADB.
During the webinar, participants will have the opportunity to:
- meet virtually with ADB staff in procurement, consulting, project management, and related operations as well as sector specialists.
- hear presentations on how to qualify for ADB-financed contracts.
- discover what business opportunities are available, and where.
At the end of the webinar, participants will have:
- discovered the advantages of ADB-financed contracts.
- received an inside look at ADB's policies and procedures for the procurement of goods and works, the recruitment of consultants, and the engagement of NGOs and civil society organizations.
- learned how to locate business opportunities.
- learned the best ways to prepare responsive bids and proposals.
- received first-hand information on contracting opportunities by sector currently available under ongoing ADB-financed projects, and upcoming ADB pipeline projects.
Target participants
- Consultants
- Contractors
- Suppliers
- Civil society organizations
- Private companies
Resource speakers
- ADB Procurement Specialist
- ADB Sector Specialists
How to register
Register now to join the event.
Event organizers
Stephane Bessadi (Mr)
BOS Team Lead
Senior Procurement Specialist, PPFD
Marie Charmaine "Apple" Yuson (Ms)
Project Manager
Clarissa Santos (Ms)
Logistics Administrator
Jhoanna "Gigi" Quimson (Ms)
Logistics Assistant
Jerald Acosta (Mr)
Digital Events/Social Media Coordinator