Call for proposals Providing support to innovative ecosystems of economic and business infrastructure
SLOVENIA, December 24 - The call for proposals will co-finance the costs of construction, craft, and installation works (GOI works), the purchase of undeveloped land, and the services of external contractors.
The amount of the grants available under the call for proposals and provided under the Recovery and Resilience Facility is EUR 626,789.85. The grants are open for the financial year 2025.
The eligible costs of the call for tenders are:
- GOI works,
- purchase of undeveloped land,
- services provided by external contractors for preparing project and investment documentation, professional construction supervision and information and communication,
- external contractors’ services for the preparation of the vision for the development of economic and business zones, the setting up of the relevant information and communication network, and the provision of services supporting the operation of economic and business zones.
The deadline for submitting the applications is 31 January 2025.
To find out more about the call for proposals Providing support to innovative ecosystems of economic and business infrastructure in 2025 click here.