Full Zguen Records - The worlds newest Metal based label launches for 2025 new music release
Releasing Positive Metal, Punk, Hard Rock, Psychedelic and Progressive Metal Music
PARIS, FRANCE, December 23, 2024 /EINPresswire.com/ -- Full Zguen Records1 is a recently created music distributions and PR company developed to release positive Metal, Punk, Psychedelic and Progressive Metal music.
A joint venture between Australian and French music industry teams, the labels objectives are simple. The company will Focus on one band whom are producing high quality songs yet sitting unnoticed amongst the tens of thousands of bands trying to navigate the cosmos, that is the music industry. Full Zguen Records want music that breaks the mould. Music that deserves world class delivery of their songs to punk, metal and heavy metal music fans, metal-heads and headbangers. Zguenbangers to pen the label management new term.
Zguen is a powerful Metal Music Energy2 that emanates from the stage or out of your speakers, created by high octane musicians with well developed songwriting skills. And importantly, bounce off each other when they perform creating he energy absorbed by the listener. A lot of bands make great music and create good songs, but it takes a unique energy between the rhythm section, guitars and vocalists to develop the skills that absorb energy, seemingly from the cosmos, and the emanate that energy as music and electrify the audience with it. And fan or not, the Zguen from this music takes over and can connect every person in a concert hall or stadium. The energy from this kind of band can be incredibly powerful. At a live show or streaming, anywhere on or off the planet.
Full Zguen Records are currently in negotiation with a band and the bands management with an announcement pending in the next few weeks.
Full Zguen Records are also joining other prominent music industry entities and artists and signed up with BlueSky3 and love the music community there. Particularly the metal community.
Max Zguen
Max Zguen Media
+61 422 973 185
Visit us on social media:
1 https://www.zguen.com
2 https://www.instagram.com/fullzguenrecords/
3 https://bsky.app/profile/zguen.bsky.social