Construction Prompts Traffic Shift on US 411 in Sevier County
Motorists traveling on US 411 (Newport Highway) and Thomas Cross Road in Sevier County should be aware of upcoming road construction activities that will have a temporary impact on traffic.
On Monday, December 16, traffic on US 411 (Newport Highway) near Sims Road will be shifted onto the new alignment of the roadway. This traffic shift will include a temporary closure at the intersection of US 411 (Newport Highway) and Old Newport Highway. Traffic from Thomas Cross Road will be detoured onto Old Newport Highway to access US 411. The work is anticipated to be complete on or before Friday, January 3.
This schedule is contingent on favorable weather conditions. Motorists are advised to expect delays and use extreme caution in this area as workers will be present.
As always, drivers are reminded to use all motorist information tools wisely and “Know Before You Go!” by checking travel conditions before leaving for your destination. Drivers should never tweet, text, or talk on a cell phone while behind the wheel.