Operation Elder Connect Program
By Jordan Rich, Age Strong Staff
Age Strong Commissioner Emily Shea and Age Strong staff recently met with Ronald Lammy and Dr. Keri Griffin of Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences to learn about the success of Operation Elder Connect.
Operation Elder Connect resulted from the joint efforts of The Elders Healthcare Disparities Coalition and the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences in response to the advisory warning put forth by the U.S. Public Health Service in 2023 to fight the epidemic of loneliness and isolation. The report highlighted groups between the ages of 18-24 and people 65+ as being most at risk.
Operation Elder Connect successfully paired young adults with categorically underserved black older adults to combat loneliness and increase digital literacy through intergenerational connection with health science students.
Mr. Lammy and Dr. Griffin shared that, The Operation Elder Connect Program works to strengthen community by laying a foundation for older adults to feel connected, engaged, and valued.
To learn more about the program, click here.