Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development on Climate advisory for 2024/25 summer season
Large parts of the country are currently reporting reasonable to poor veld and livestock conditions, and many dryland farmers have yet to receive sufficient rain before planting. Veld fires in several provinces have resulted in damage to grazing land and infrastructure, as well as contributing to livestock fatalities.
Farmers are advised to be on the lookout for daily extreme weather warnings and implement risk-reduction measures.
According to the Seasonal Climate Watch issued by the South African Weather Service (SAWS) dated 31 October 2024, predictions indicate above-normal rainfall for most north-eastern summer rainfall regions during the entire summer period. Some interior regions, however, still indicate below-normal rainfall during the mid- and late-summer seasons.
These predictions may change if the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) predictions become more certain towards a La Niña state, and as such continued monitoring of future seasonal climate watches are advised. Minimum and maximum temperatures are expected to be mostly above normal countrywide for the forecast period.
Considering the seasonal forecast, farmers are advised to approach the season with vigilance and follow the weather and climate forecasts regularly to make informed decisions and wait for sufficient moisture before planting.
Drought-tolerant cultivars should be prioritised in areas that have constantly been experiencing dry conditions. In regions that are in a reasonable condition, farmers are advised to prepare in line with the expected conditions, i.e., in line with the seasonal forecast. However, they should not expand planting land unnecessarily.
Moreover, farmers should consider short-season cultivars. Farmers should also note that rainfall distribution continues to remain a challenge, therefore not all north-eastern areas of the country might receive the anticipated above-normal rainfall that is well distributed.
Farmers are advised to put measures in place for pests and diseases associated with wet and hot conditions as above-normal rainfall and high temperatures are anticipated, especially in the north-eastern parts of the country. Farmers using irrigation should comply with water restrictions in their areas. Farmers must continually conserve resources in accordance with the Conservation of Agricultural Resources Act (CARA), 1983 (Act No. 43 of 1983).
Livestock should be kept in balance with carrying capacity of the veld and provided with additional feed such as relevant licks. Additionally, livestock should be provided with enough water points on the farm as well as shelter during bad weather conditions. Veld fires have been reported in several provinces and the risk remains, especially in summer rainfall areas, until sufficient rain is received.
Winter rainfall areas are drying out, increasing favourable conditions for veld fires. Therefore, the creation and maintenance of fire belts should be prioritised as well as adherence to veld fire warnings. Episodes of heatwaves have occurred as well as localised flooding and remain likely for the remainder of summer. Therefore, preventive measures should be in place. Farmers are encouraged to implement strategies provided in the early-warning information issued.
The department will continue to monitor the seasonal forecast and provide updates when necessary. In addition, the department will partner with all relevant stakeholders to continue raising awareness in the sector and capacitation of farmers on understanding, interpretation, and utilisation of early-warning information for disaster risk mitigation and response.
For a complete advisory, visit the DALRRD website
Ms Linda Page
Chief Director, Strategic Communication
Cell: 071 334 3479
• Eviction Toll-free Number 0800 007 095