Wireless Innovation Forum Launches New Project to Explore Highly Dynamic Spectrum Sharing
Project will expand upon work done in CBRS and 6 GHz for possible use in other bands
The purpose of this project is to start with the best practices identified in CBRS spectrum sharing, and simplify and optimize these practices for future applications, including the 3.1 GHz band”
WASHINGTON, DC, UNITED STATES, August 21, 2024 /EINPresswire.com/ -- The Wireless Innovation Forum1 (WInnForum) today announced the formation of the Highly Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Task Group within the Wireless Innovation Committee (WInnCmte). The new project, headed up by Google’s Andrew Clegg, will occur in two stages: analyzing the problem and exploring frameworks to support identified requirements.— Andrew Clegg, Google
“The purpose of this project is to start with the best practices identified in CBRS spectrum sharing, and then attempt to simplify and optimize these practices for future applications, including the 3.1 GHz band” says Andrew Clegg, WInnForum’s CTO. “Future spectrum sharing will inevitably face a greater number of incumbent systems and a need for more rapid dynamic reconfiguration, and WInnForum is up to the challenge of adapting what we’ve done in CBRS. It’s the best place to start, given the sharing expertise we’ve developed over nearly ten years.”
The resulting work product, which could either be a report or recommendation, is slated to be completed by February 2025. Member institutions contributing include CommScope, Federated Wireless, Nokia, Sony, WISPA, and others to be announced.
According to the group’s charter, the goal of the group is to identify potentially new frameworks to support the requirements identified during the exploration of highly dynamic spectrum sharing, which will include stakeholders such as airborne incumbents.
The resulting report or recommendation will leverage the SAS and AFC system administrators and the WInnForum members’ subject matter expertise in developing centralized and/or de-centralized spectrum management systems. WInnForum members were the architects of both the CBRS ecosystem standards as well as 6 GHz AFC.
The new project is responsive to many of the spectrum sharing goals in the National Spectrum Strategy released by the U.S. government last year.
The project will officially kick off during the Forum’s CBRS Committee Meeting at Google’s Reston, Virginia, office on 11 September 2024. Additional information on the meeting is at https://winnf.memberclicks.net/sept2024cbrsmeeting#!/
To learn more about the new project, visit https://www.wirelessinnovation.org/setting-the-standard for a video interview with project leader Andrew Clegg as he discusses the parameters of the project as well as the goals and those who will be impacted by this endeavor.
To learn about WInnForum membership and participation in its committees, please visit https://www.wirelessinnovation.org/benefits-of-membership.
About the Wireless Innovation Forum
Established in 1996, the Wireless Innovation Forum™ comprises an international group of equipment vendors, subsystem vendors, software developers, technology developers, communication service providers, research and engineering organizations, academic institutions, government users, regulators and others who share the common business interests of advancing technologies supporting the innovative utilization of spectrum and the development of wireless communications systems, including essential or critical communications systems. www.WirelessInnovation.org. Forum projects are supported by platinum sponsor Shure2.
Stephanie Hamill
Wireless Innovation Forum
+ +1 9702909543
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