First Year With Dental Partnership Group: Win or Bust
A Doctor's Review of the Past 12 Months as Part of SPP Dental Partners
NEWPORT BEACH, CA, USA, June 26, 2024 / -- Many dentists have heard the horror stories of joining a DSO, including Dr. Lance Alder3. He had watched several friends join groups only to end up regretting the decision as they witnessed how their practice had changed.
Dr. Alder knew he didn’t want the traditional corporate model, but could not ignore the advantages that come with the size and scale of a group. That’s when he stumbled upon SPP Dental Partners1 .
“A big thing out there for me is as this movement of corporate dentistry is taking place, SPP is the only model now that’s a true minority stake partner.” Specifically, it’s allowed him to reap the benefits of a group and still be able to run his own practice without interference.
“I can tell you that nothing has changed in my practice, patients don’t notice a difference as far as ownership, and staff don’t either because we kept our autonomy. We practice the same way we want, I’m doing the things that I want to on a daily basis, no one's dictating what I need to do.”
Fast forward 12 months and Dr. Alder has enjoyed his best year yet since opening his doors 12 years ago. He ramped up production, purchased two iTero scanners, and expanded to a second office through SPP’s expertise and support. Dr. Alder has also noticed a significant decrease in his overhead costs thanks to the power of partner pricing, including a 35% discount on all Invisalign lab fees.
Unlike a DSO, SPP does not acquire practices. It partners with them. Dentists are still able to run their own practice as they always have while simultaneously enjoying the robust support system of SPP. “Being part of this group has allowed me to access expertise outside of my team to further our practice, from marketing and financing to billing and HR.”
SPP Dental Partners empowers private practice doctors to grow their practice, build wealth as joint owners of SPP, and create a flexible lifestyle without giving up autonomy or ownership. Partners receive on-going support in the form of human resources, billing, marketing, inventory management, business development, and more. For more information, visit: www.SPPdental.com2.
Michael Daynes
SPP Dental Partners
+1 703-624-1947
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