End Anxiety! The Podcast
New Podcast Discusses the Benefits of the Transcendental Meditation® Program for Our Stress-filled World
The podcast was officially launched in October, 2022 with a very special guest, the legendary Mike Love of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inducted group, The Beach Boys. Mike took some time out from his recent Woodstock performance to sit down with Dr. Meade and talk about a range of topics including personal development and how Transcendental Meditation has been a key factor behind his longevity as a performing artist and his overall well-being. He also shared stories about his life during the tempestuous 1960s when the Beach Boys rose to super stardom, and of his important encounter with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi when Love began to practice TM under his guidance.
However, most of the guests on Meade’s podcast are not big-name celebrities, but people from diverse backgrounds discussing how TM made a tremendous positive impact on their personal and professional lives and how in many cases it saved them from some very dark and depressing places. Each episode profiles the story of an individual who found in transcendental meditation a critical tool for attaining mental clarity and reaching their personal potential while mitigating the obstacles of stress and anxiety. These profiles include a Vietnam veteran suffering from PTSD, a television writer and producer dealing with the pressures that come with life in the day-time television industry, a doctor working in a hospital as a first responder coping with the early onslaught of COVID-19 cases, and a film and stage actor overcoming stage fright. There are many more, including a woman suffering from clinical depression and another who was able to find her creative self while dealing with grief from the loss of a loved one.
TM may at first seem like a novel approach to solving the current crisis of our well-being. But studies of the effects of Transcendental Meditation® on the mental states of its practitioners have been ongoing for over fifty years, and the findings are conclusive: Transcendental Meditation can have a powerful positive impact on our mental health, especially in terms of mitigating anxiety, stress, and depression.
The Transcendental Meditation® technique and programs have become a part of our mainstream and is the meditation practice of such celebrities as Hugh Jackman, Oprah, Ellen DeGeneres, Jerry Seinfeld, and David Lynch. Mike Love is another well-known long-time proponent of the TM program and in addition to being the first guest on podcast; he also contributed the introduction to the Jim Meade’s book, End Anxiety!
The End Anxiety Podcast with James Meade and Friends is released on a weekly basis on Wednesdays, and it is now available on Apple Podcasts2, Spotify3, Amazon and all other major podcast distributors. The book End Anxiety!: Proven Benefits of the Transcendental Meditation® Program by James Meade, PhD, is available wherever books or ebooks are sold, and it is now also available as an audio book.
James Meade is an established voice in the study of consciousness as well as the betterment of health and the study of computer technology. His The Answer to Cancer, written with Ayurvedic experts Dr. Hari Sharma and Rama Kant Mishra, brought the secrets of a preventive approach to health into the world by helping us think in terms of averting sickness; in 2018 he and Dr. Sharma published Dynamic DNA: Activating Your Energy for Better Health. A little controversial and a bit daring, Meade was a pioneer in the breakthrough of the “For Dummies” book series. He authored several “Dummies” books and many other computer books including the well-known The Human Resources Software Handbook. He is the author of hundreds of articles and caused occasional consternation with his columns on computer technology and human resource management.
Kenichi Sugihara
SelectBooks, Inc.
+1 973-342-6198
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1 https://www.amazon.com/End-Anxiety-Benefits-Transcendental-Meditation%C2%AE/dp/1590795237/ref=sr_1_1?qid=1669082895&refinements=p_27%3AJames+Meade+PhD&s=books&sr=1-1&text=James+Meade+PhD
2 https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-end-anxiety-podcast-with-james-meade-and-friends/id1651158809?uo=4
3 https://open.spotify.com/show/2fkEMqxl4BK7kTu4yugHsX