Expecting.ai’s Surrogate Recruitment Feature Is Coming Out Of Stealth, Effectively Solving A Major Pain Point
An innovative digital tool allows agencies to recruit women who are interested in becoming surrogates, thus solving the agencies’ most significant pain point.
After the COVID-19 health crisis, the number of available surrogates declined drastically, causing prices to soar. Today, surrogate compensation fees can be as high as $70K, while waiting lists continue to grow and many intended parents find themselves waiting for over two years to start their journey.
Expecting CEO Nadav Raanan explains, “We are very attentive to the needs of the fertility market, which is why it’s very important to us to be able to offer a solution that addresses a huge issue that affects both intended parents and agencies.”
About 6 months ago, Expecting launched the beta phase of its new subscription-based product that reaches out to women who are interested in becoming surrogates, asking them to fill-in a detailed questionnaire and accepting only those who meet the basic requirements.
This allowed Expecting to build a digital database of hundreds of surrogate candidates from the US. Subscribed agencies and clinics can access the database, review as many profiles as they like and send an offer to the women they’re interested in recruiting.
“Every surrogate candidate on our database has been initially screened and meets the basic requirements, which means she already has a good chance to become a surrogate”, says Nadav. “Agencies can contact candidates directly from our platform or via email or phone, and continue the screening process: personal interview, medical screening, background check, home visit and psych evaluation.”
So far, agencies using the database have recruited dozens of surrogates and the feedback is very positive.
After several months of piloting the product, the Expecting team now has a clearer understanding of what works and what could be improved.
“We realized that some agencies are very active and use the database all the time - including nighttime and weekends,” says Nadav. “These agencies move very fast and instantly contact every new candidate as soon as they are added to the database, which is also why they have recruited the largest number of surrogates.
“We are making some changes that will level the playing field and allow more agencies to contact and recruit new surrogates, and on January 23, 2023, we will launch the new and improved version of the product and update our fees as well. This means that agencies that will subscribe before this launch date will have the opportunity to try the service and pay our current lower rates.”
Currently, subscribers pay a monthly fee. Starting from January, 2023, matching fees will be added to the subscription fees and the database will automatically limit the number of candidates each agency can contact.
Ronny Schwartz Dgani
+972 50-888-5513
email us here
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1 https://expecting.ai
2 https://expecting.ai/recruit-potential-surrogates
3 https://expecting.ai/become-a-surrogate