With momentum from the United States, Brazilian shoe exports grew 68% through April
Brazilian Footwear exports continue in an uptrend.
NOVO HAMBURGO, RS, BRAZIL, May 23, 2022 /EINPresswire.com/ -- Footwear exports continue in an uptrend. Data prepared by the Brazilian Association of footwear industries (Abicalçados2) indicate that, between January and April, 53.72 million pairs were shipped abroad, for which US$ 434.65 million were paid, increases both in volume (+32.6%) and in revenue (+68.2) in relation to the same period last year. In comparison with the same pre-pandemic interval, in 2019, growth is 24.8% in pairs and 26.7% in revenue. In April alone, 13 million pairs were shipped, which generated US$ 114 million, up 52.4% in volume and 75.4% in revenue in relation to the same month of 2021. According to Abicalçados, it is the best result for April in 14 years.
The chief executive of Abicalçados, Haroldo Ferreira, points out that the increase in exports to the United States was fundamental to the positive performance. In April, 2.5 million pairs were shipped there, which generated US$ 30.57 million, up 147.2% and 130.3%, respectively, compared to the same month of 2021. “Our historic main destination, the United States has a very important impact on the export scale. There is a movement of repositioning in the US market, so that the United States is less dependent on Asian imports. Logistical problems, evidenced by the Covid-19 pandemic, especially with regard to freight costs, and the surcharge to Chinese footwear, were decisive for this movement. In addition, the North American consumer is increasingly looking for footwear produced within the concepts of ESG, a market in which our product stands out in the international scenario”, evaluates the chief executive, noting that, today, shoe exports to that location account for more than 30% of the total (in revenue generated). For the four months of the year, the sector's exports to the United States increased 100% in volume and 122.7% in revenue (to 8.52 million pairs and US$ 119.3 million).
Ferreira also highlights the increase in average prices for exported footwear, returning to the levels practiced in 2019, after drops over the last two years. In the quarter, the average value was US$ 8.80 per pair shipped abroad. “The sector has been consolidating its position in international trade, while managing to recover the average price, measured in dollars,” he says.
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1 https://www.brazilianfootwear.com/en
2 https://www.abicalcados.com.br/en
3 https://apexbrasil.com.br/