Anthony Pisano and Bob Messerschmidt Interviewed by Fotis Georgiadis
Anthony Pisano, Game Over CEO. Bob Messerschmidt, Platform Architect at Apple.
GREENWICH, CT, USA, April 26, 2022 / -- Fotis Georgiadis, owner of the blog by his namesake, is a branding and image consultant specialist with a robust background and is a visionary interviewer. With a knack for pulling out a well-rounded interview, not only covering cutting edge technologies and corporate directions but also bringing out the personal side of the interviewee.
Is it time to look in the mirror and realize you need to change your marketing strategy to include the latest technologies and methods? Reach out to Fotis Georgiadis to build your image, corporate brand and global marketing strategy with a focus on ROI and results.
Anthony Pisano, Game Over CEO
Can you share five of the best words of advice you’ve gotten along your journey? Please give a story or example for each.
1. Patience is a virtue — I know being patient is difficult but it is something that everyone needs to practice. When I was younger I struggled with a lack of patience. As I have gotten older I have come to realize that continuing to work hard and staying focused will eventually start to get me to where I wanted to be.
2. Put in your 10,000 hours — Success does not come with cutting corners. Putting in the ample time and energy that it takes to become a master of your craft is very important. I’ve been on this journey for about 15 years now and I continue to be a student of the game every day.
3. Communicate — Communication is one of the biggest things for me. I strive to instill this into my talent and my team. I never like to hold anything in or hold anything back. Over the years I’ve learned that a lack of communication causes more issues and its best to handle things right away and keep it moving.
4. Be Consistent — Consistency is key! If you can’t be consistent then you can’t be anything.
5. Surround yourself with the right energy — Energy is super important to me and when someone in your circle lacks positive energy it will always cause issues and will effect everything and everyone on the team.
We are sure you aren’t done. How are you going to shake things up next?
Game Over doesn’t just focus on your traditional talent management and marketing. We are building IP that is going to drive the music and gaming industry forward. We’ve built proprietary software that is not only a growing database of gamers all around the world, but most importantly, a tool we use internally that allows us to filter which gamer is right for a campaign (for example, based on their geographical reach). We can now track the analytics around each campaign so that we can provide better visibility and data-driven decisions to our customers. [...]
The full interview is available here1
Bob Messerschmidt, Platform Architect at Apple
Was there a “tipping point” that led you to this breakthrough? Can you tell us that story?
A lot of the journey for any founder of a true startup involves long mental walks through dark tunnels and tremendous tribulations along with bouts of uncertainty. The breakthrough that led to COR was no different.
The tipping point for COR came from one day when I locked my door, put up some light blocking curtains, and started reading through thousands of medical journal articles and noticed something strange. There were lots of studies where food and fitness items were determined to be functional in improving outcomes of cardiovascular or metabolic risk or longevity, for example. It was clear food and fitness truly are the best medicine. But in every single study, there was a range of benefits across the population being studied. A BIG range.
I read the PREDICT study that looked at genetically identical twins and their metabolic responses to various inputs. Believe it or not, even genetically identical twins don’t have the same metabolic response to things. I realized that if diet and fitness advice was not made personal in a very objective and data-driven way, you may not be getting the benefits from that daily avocado or training for that marathon that you thought you would be getting. For anything that ultimately is shown to be an effective nutrition or fitness intervention, there is no guarantee it will work well for you specifically. The good news is that health is 80% about your choices, and bad genetics does not have to be a death sentence.
The tipping point that led to the breakthrough of COR was realizing that if you can determine exactly what one specific individual’s response is to a particular diet and fitness routine, you can adapt the diet and routine to precisely what is best for their body.
Do you have a book, podcast, or talk that’s had a deep impact on your thinking? Can you share a story with us? Can you explain why it was so resonant with you?
The Alchemist — The book makes it clear that everyone has a “personal legend/destiny.” We discover that destiny early in our lives and to realize one’s destiny is a person’s only real obligation. When you really want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.
Finish reading the interview here2
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About Fotis Georgiadis
Fotis Georgiadis is the founder of DigitalDayLab. Fotis Georgiadis is a serial entrepreneur with offices in both Malibu and New York City. He has expertise in marketing, branding and mergers & acquisitions. Fotis Georgiadis is also an accomplished VC who has successfully concluded five exits. Fotis Georgiadis is also a contributor to Authority Magazine, Thrive Global & several others.
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