"The Hadassah Code" Applied To Some Of The Passengers On The Russian Airline Flight 7K9268 On 31/Oct?2015
You will be Astounded to see Their Codes and also to see How Many have the Same Code!
The Hadassah Code Applied To Some Of The Passengers Killed On The Russian Airline Kogalymavia Flight 7K9268 On 31/Oct/2015
BRISBANE , QUEENSLAND, AUSTRALIA, November 3, 2015 /EINPresswire.com/ -- "The Hadassah Code" are certain numbers that I apply in different sequences to subjects such as Birth Marriages Disasters and Deaths You can visit My Website to see My Extensive Code Work, with now adding "some" of the passengers from the Russian flight 7K9268 This is a Website that Reveals "The Codes To Life And Death" www.thehadassahcode.com— Hadassah Grace Marshall
After 14 years of Research I Authored a Book called "The Hadassah Code" Proof Man's Days Are Numbered "Since" My book was published in 2012 I have continued to prove that these same numbers are apparent in peoples lives, giving You a vast range of examples on My website.
Elijah Marshall
+ 61 - 404499775
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