Dr. David Phelps to Donate Profit From Latest Book to FL Residents Recovering From Recent Hurricanes
TAMPA, FL, UNITED STATES, October 28, 2024 /EINPresswire.com/ -- As residents in the paths of the last two hurricanes work to clean up the damage and rebuild their lives, people across the country are looking for ways to help their fellow Americans who are suffering as a result of this catastrophic natural disaster.
Entrepreneur, author, and former dentist Dr. David Phelps3, wants to help by donating funds to aid in recovery efforts, while also giving survivors the tools to become financially literate and so they’ll be more prepared for all of the storms—not just weather, but also the financial storms that life throws at each of us. This is especially important in today’s economy, and it’s critical for those whose lives have recently been turned upside down.
“When I saw the devastation on the news, social media, and in the pictures and videos that friends in the area shared with me, I felt that I had to do something,” Phelps said. “Their lives have been turned upside down through no fault of their own, and I believe those of us in a position to help have a moral obligation to do so,” he explained.
Phelps intends to donate the profit from his next book, Building Your Financial Ark1: How to Survive and Thrive During the Next Economic Storm, to recovery efforts through the state of Florida. He says rather than directly trying to wade into the chaos caused by the situation, his team has invested significant time into evaluating local organizations that are already on the ground and integrated with local communities.
“We don’t want to reinvent the wheel here, so I told my team, ‘There are plenty of organizations already there that deal with this situation every year, so let’s just find the right ones and put some more money in their hands so they can help more people,” he said.
Phelps acknowledges that his financial support is a small drop in a pretty big bucket, but he says his goal is actually a bit different than what it may seem at first. He explains, “Sure, the money will help someone, but the real impact, I think, will come from other people being inspired to help however they can. The more people we can mobilize to follow suit, the better off things will be for millions of our fellow citizens who are currently struggling.”
Phelps has selected two charities, Metropolitan Ministries, a Tampa, Florida non-profit, and Samaritan's Purse, to which he will donate the proceeds from his latest book. He will cut a check directly to each organization on 12/1/24.
But more importantly, he says he wants to inspire others to help.
He closes by saying, “I want to serve as an inspiration. I want other people to see what I’m doing and say ‘You know what, my life is pretty good right now and I’ve been pretty successful, I’m going to help these people too!’ and create a kind of movement like we saw after 9/11 when Americans all came together to support each other. I believe we can come together to support the people in Florida, and more so, I believe that they deserve it and that we have a duty to provide it.”
Phelps is also giving away a free copy of his book to anyone affected by the hurricanes, to help them become better prepared for life's financial ups and downs. You can complete this form2 to get your copy of Building Your Financial Ark: How to Survive and Thrive During the Next Economic Storm.
Jeremy Knauff
Spartan Media
1 https://www.amazon.com/Building-Your-Financial-Ark-Economic/dp/B0DJHK4JM2
2 https://www.freedomfounders.com/building-your-financial-ark-book/
3 https://doctorphelps.com/