Tennessee Valley Authority Dedicates 43 kW Solar Funded by Voluntary Program
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) dedicated two solar sites located in Huntsville, Alabama and Dyer, Tennessee, which began generating solar power in early December. The solar projects include a 23 kilowatt (kW) installation at the Huntsville Botanical Garden, and a 19.7 kilowatt (kW) installation at Gibson County High School, located in Dyer. The solar installations will generate about 43 kilowatts (kW) of renewable electricity for TVA's Green Power Switch program, which allows residents and businesses to purchase green power.
News Release - TVA Increases Commitment to Renewable Energy with Solar Site Dedications
Contact: Mike Bradley, 865-632-8860
News Release - TVA Increases Commitment to Renewable Energy with Solar Site Dedications
Contact: Mike Bradley, 865-632-8860