Drummond urges U.S. Supreme Court to halt blue-state attacks on American energy system
OKLAHOMA CITY (May 28, 2024) – Attorney General Gentner Drummond is asking the U.S. Supreme Court to declare unconstitutional the efforts of California, Connecticut, Minnesota, New Jersey and Rhode Island to dictate American energy policy. Those five states have brought unprecedented litigation against the nation’s most vital energy companies, and they demand billions of dollars in damages. As litigation proceeds in their state courts, California and the other states threaten to impose ruinous penalties and coercive remedies that would affect energy and fuel consumption and production across the country.
Drummond is part of a 19-state coalition raising the significant constitutional problems with California’s extraordinary tactics and asking the Supreme Court to take up a multi-state lawsuit.
“This wasteful litigation by five states is a brazen attempt to hobble energy policies that positively impact our country,” Drummond said “The energy industry is key to a thriving Oklahoma and nation. No single state – or even five – should be allowed to dictate what is right for another state. I will always defend what is right for Oklahomans.”
The Supreme Court will decide whether to hear the lawsuit against California and the other four proposed defendants. The coalition’s motion, complaint and brief argue that traditional energy sources like oil and natural gas are essential for American prosperity. The states also argue that the matter is of utmost importance because our system of federalism gives each state no more power than any other state.
The Alabama-led motion was joined by attorneys general in Alaska, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Dakota, South Carolina, South Dakota, Utah, West Virginia and Wyoming.
Read the filing at https://www.oag.ok.gov/sites/g/files/gmc766/f/documents/2024/2024.05.22_...