Group Home Manager Arrested for More than $20,000 Medicaid Fraud
Attorney General Ashley Moody News Release
Group Home Manager Arrested for More than $20,000 Medicaid Fraud
TALLAHASSEE, Fla.—Attorney General Ashley Moody’s Medicaid Fraud Control Unit today announced the arrest of a Miami-Dade County healthcare worker for billing Medicaid for services never provided. According to the investigation, Ladrica Denise Gibbs falsely claimed to have provided companion services to Medicaid recipients, causing a loss to the state Medicaid program of more than $20,000.
Attorney General Ashley Moody said, “This defendant worked as a manager of a group home and claimed to also provide companion services for Medicaid recipients. She falsely filled out service reports, causing the taxpayer-funded program to lose more than $20,000. My Medicaid fraud investigators uncovered this scheme and now the defendant will face justice.”
According to an MFCU investigation, Gibbs worked as a manager at a group home for disabled adults and allegedly provided life-companion services to some of the Medicaid recipients. However, one of Gibbs’s supposed patients claimed that the defendant never provided care. The investigation concluded that Gibbs caused a loss to Florida Medicaid of more than $20,000 between Aug. 5, 2019, to Feb. 10, 2022.
The defendant is charged with one count of Medicaid provider fraud/filing a false claim, more than $10,000 but less than $50,000, a second-degree felony. The case will be prosecuted by the Miami-Dade State Attorney’s Office, 11th Judicial Circuit.
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The Florida MFCU is funded through a grant totaling $30,219,404 for Federal Fiscal Year 2023, from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services-Office of Inspector General. The Federal Share of these funds is 75% totaling $22,664,556. The State Matching Share of these funds is 25% totaling $7,554,848, and is funded by Florida.