Roster of the Allergenic Products Advisory Committee
Applying for Membership on FDA Advisory Committees
As part of the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA's) ongoing efforts to recruit qualified experts with minimal conflicts of interest who are interested in serving on FDA advisory committees, FDA is requesting nominations for members to serve on its advisory committees.
Current Number of Vacancies: 3
Note, one or more vacancies may be in the nomination process or a final appointment may have been made.
Expertise: Industry Representative
Term: 04/22/2020-08/31/2023
Senior Vice President
Research and Development
ALK, Inc.
Bedminster, NJ 07920
Expertise: Allergy and Immunology
Term: 07/23/2020-08/31/2024
Medicine & Microbiology
Division of Asthma, Allergy, & Immunology
Department of Medicine
University of Virginia Health System
Charlottesville, VA 22908