10 Myths and Truths guys need to know about the flu in ‘22
WASHINGTON, DC, USA, November 17, 2022 / -- Most Americans are aware that it’s flu season—and this year, the threat of illness is even greater with COVID, RSV and other respiratory illnesses running rampant. Still, officials say that flu vaccination uptake is still low, despite the virus spreading quickly in different regions of the country. Why is this? If history is any indicator, men are less likely to get their flu vaccine than women.The team at Healthy Men took a look at statistics3 and found that during the 2021-22 flu season, among adults aged 18-64, approximately 38 percent of men got their flu shot, versus nearly 46 percent of women. Across the board, women had higher rates of flu vaccination than men.
So, what’s up guys? We understand many people are vaccine weary, and the last two flu seasons were mild. As you make a decision to get vaccinated, the team at Healthy Men Inc.1
compiled this list of 10 Myths & Truths about Flu-22 to help you make an informed decision to keep you and your family safe this winter.
Some of the myths we are busting include:
The flu-22 season has already started, so it’s too late to get vaccinated. Oh contraire, mon frère! There is no date too late to be vaccinated. It is best to get vaccinated early, particularly this year as flu season has started to ramp up earlier, but it’s never too late to Man Up to Flu-22 and get vaccinated.
It’s just the flu; it really isn’t a big deal.
Each year between 140,000 and 170,000 Americans are hospitalized and 12,000-52,000 succumb to flu-related deaths (Source: This is particularly a concern for the elderly, immunocompromised and the very young. A bout of flu can cause big problems in unexpected parts of your body. For example, if you have a heart condition, flu puts you at six times the risk of having a heart attack within just 7 days of getting the flu. (Source:
I’m fully COVID-vaccinated so I don’t need a flu vaccine.
Unfortunately, this just isn’t correct. Just as flu vaccination does not protect against COVID, the COVID vaccination does not protect against seasonal flu. There is no shared benefit between these two vaccines. You still need a flu vaccine to be safe from the flu.
“At Healthy Men, we know how guys can often put their health on the back burner. But this year, there’s no excuse for not getting a flu shot—with so many respiratory illnesses causing a huge strain on the healthcare system, “said Dr. Sal Giorgianni, Co-founder, Vice President, and Chief Alliances and Development Officer at Healthy Men Inc. “The flu is tearing through the country—so man up guys—it’s not too late to get your shot.”
**NOTE to Media: Dr. Sal and other representatives from Healthy Men Inc. are available for interviews. See Contact information above.****
About Healthy Men Inc:
HEALTHY MEN INC. © is a federally designated non-profit organization under Section
501(c)(3) of the US Internal Revenue Code.
HMI’s MISSION is to enhance the wellness and health of boys and men through public communication, awareness, education, outreach, advocacy, and public policy. We will accomplish this by engaging and partnering with expert individuals and organizations to provide resources, support, training, programs, and expertise that emphasizes that wellness and comprehensive health self-management are core components of masculinity.
Jen Daly
Gray Media Group
+1 617-305-4160
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