Early Warning News Release - Acquisition of Common Shares of Eagle I Capital Corporation.
This press release is issued pursuant to requirements of NI 62-103 - The Early Warning System and Related Take-Over Bid and Insider Reporting Issues
TORONTO, ONTARIO, CANADA, September 2, 2022 /EINPresswire.com/ -- Tower Capital Corporation (the “Acquiror”) announces the filing of an early warning report (the “Early Warning Report”) pursuant to the National Instrument 62-103 – Early Warning System and Related Take Over Bids and Insider Reporting Issues regarding the holdings by the Acquirer in Eagle I Capital Corporation (the “Corporation”).On August 26, 2022, the Acquirer acquired 625,000 common shares in the capital of the Corporation (the “Common Shares”). The Common Shares were offered and purchased from two shareholders of the Corporation at a price of $0.0025 per Common Shares for an aggregate purchase price of $62,7000.
Immediately before the acquisition, the Acquiror, directly or indirectly held nil Common Shares. Immediately following the acquisition, the Acquiror, directly or indirectly owns and controls 14,076,548 Common Shares, being approximately 10.24% of the issued and outstanding Common Shares.
The Common Shares held by the Acquiror are being held for investment purposes. In the future, Reporter may evaluate its investment in the Corporation from time to time and may, depending on various factors including, without limitation, the Corporation’s financial position, the price levels of the Common Shares, conditions in the securities markets and general economic and industry conditions, the Corporation ’s business or financial condition, and other factors and conditions that the Acquiror may deem appropriate, increase, decrease or change its ownership over the Common Shares or other securities of the Corporation. An early warning report pursuant to the requirements of applicable securities laws will be issued by the Acquiror and will be posted to SEDAR at www.sedar.com and available on request at the number below. For further information, including a copy of the early warning report required under applicable Canadian securities laws to be filed by the Acquiror as a result of the acquisition referred to in this press release, please contact Grant Duthie at 416-869-1234.
Grant Duthie
email us here
Garfinkle Biderman LLP