Canadians are concerned about government surveillance
A majority of Canadians are concerned about government surveillance but there is a stark difference between the political left and right
It is remarkable that today it is the political right that is most strongly opposed to surveillance. This was traditionally the purview of the left and civil libertarians.”
TORONTO, CANADA, April 21, 2022 / -- Toronto, April 21, 2022— Charlie Graves, President
A majority of Canadians are concerned about government surveillance but there is a stark difference between the political left and right
Concern over government surveillance, all Canadians:
• Unconcerned: 20%
• Moderately concerned: 33%
• Highly concerned: 47%
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Survey reveals a surprising political split on government surveillance
Those on the political right are more than twice as likely to be highly concerned about government surveillance than those on the left.
Highly concerned about government surveillance:
• Left: 35%
• Centre: 48%
• Right: 76%
When asked in greater detail about various forms of government surveillance, opposition is weakest on the left and strongest on the right. The right is much more strongly opposed to a range of government surveillance measures than those on the left, and in some instances its opposition is more than 2 to 1 of the left.
Percentages saying government “definitely should not have the right.”
• Monitoring all emails and any other information exchanged on the internet: 72% vs. 56%
• Demand information about peoples’ finances from banks: 59% vs. 24%
• Collecting information about anyone living in this country without their knowledge: 53% vs. 40%
• Keeping people under video surveillance in public areas: 39% vs. 18%
Overall, a majority of Canadians are opposed to all these forms of government surveillance except public video surveillance (where a small majority support it).
Opposition to forms of government surveillance (definitely and probably should not have the right), all Canadians:
• Monitoring all emails and any other information exchanged on the internet: 83%
• Collecting information about anyone living in this country without their knowledge: 75%
• Demand information about peoples’ finances from banks: 70%
• Keeping people under video surveillance in public areas: 45%
These results are based on a sample of over 1,200 Canadians from our Modalis omnibus service. These results have an actual margin of error of +/- 2.8 per cent at a 95% confidence interval. The survey was conducted between March 1 and 18, 2022.
For full details on this release, please visit:
About the Modalis omnibus service
Our Canadian general population omnibus service is powered by Modalis, a scientifically rigorous research panel, managed by leading experts in survey design, and highly adaptable to challenging schedules. Modalis is made up of real respondents drawn randomly from the Canadian population. The omnibus runs on a monthly basis and involves at minimum a representative sample of 1,000 Canadian adults.
About Modus Research
Established in 2012, Modus Research is a full-service research agency that provides clients with actionable feedback from Canadians and Canadian enterprises based on scientifically representative samples.
Charles Graves
Modus Research Inc.
+1 416-900-5571
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