Bachmann Votes ‘No’ on Continuing Resolution
Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (MN-06) issued the following statement after voting against the Continuing Resolution (CR) that was brought before the House of Representatives today:
"The American people gave us a mandate last fall to cut spending, and to fight to repeal ObamaCare and defund Planned Parenthood. This CR fell woefully short in terms of spending cuts, and left the other two key issues as stand-alone amendments. I was pleased to vote for both of those amendments, but they were defeated in the Senate.
"Going forward, House Republicans must fight for deep cuts in spending that will begin to pull us out of the hole that was made vastly deeper by President Obama’s runaway deficit spending. We also must take every opportunity to cut off the flow of taxpayer dollars to ObamaCare and to the nation’s largest abortion provider."
"The American people gave us a mandate last fall to cut spending, and to fight to repeal ObamaCare and defund Planned Parenthood. This CR fell woefully short in terms of spending cuts, and left the other two key issues as stand-alone amendments. I was pleased to vote for both of those amendments, but they were defeated in the Senate.
"Going forward, House Republicans must fight for deep cuts in spending that will begin to pull us out of the hole that was made vastly deeper by President Obama’s runaway deficit spending. We also must take every opportunity to cut off the flow of taxpayer dollars to ObamaCare and to the nation’s largest abortion provider."