Mining Business: Supatcha Buying Stake In Ukraine Property
December 10, 2010 (FinancialWire) (Go to for all of today’s featured news.) — Supatcha Resources Inc. (SAEI – OTCBB) said that it has signed a definitive agreement to acquire a 50% vested title interest in Balka Skyrokaya gold property located in the Ukraine.
Under the deal, Supatcha will pay the owners of the property a total of US$2 million over four years. The company said it will also complete work on the property in the amount of $5 million over five years, with $500,000 being spent on the property in the first year of the agreement.
After earning the 50% interest, Supatcha can then acquire an 90% interest by making additional cash payments of $1.5 million over four years and completing additional work on the property in the amount of $3 million over four years.
Colorado-based Supatcha Resources is a gold exploration company focused on acquiring and developing mineral properties in Ukraine. Supatcha said it is in the final stages of acquiring two additional gold mining projects, with world-class potential, in southwestern Ukraine.
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