Medical Supply: Duke Named To Liberator Board
June 12, 2010 (FinancialWire) (Go to for all of today’s featured news.) — Liberator Medical Holdings, Inc. (OTCBB: LBMH) has added Morgan Duke to its board of directors. Duke is an associate at Kinderhook Partners, an investment partnership which makes long-term investments in small public companies.
Duke was previously a strategy consultant with the Monitor Group, where he advised senior management and directors of major public and private companies in North America and Europe across a range of industries, including healthcare, media, and telecommunications.
Duke received an M.B.A. from Harvard University and a B.A. from Johns Hopkins University. Duke also studied music at the Peabody Conservatory.
Liberator Medical Holdings, Inc.'s subsidiary Liberator Medical Supply, Inc. established the Liberator brand as a national direct-to-consumer provider of quality medical supplies to Medicare-eligible seniors.
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