Geokinetics Names 2 Directors
March 24, 2010 (FinancialWire) — Geokinetics Inc. (AMEX: GOK) has appointed Gottfred Langseth and Anthony Tripodo to its board of directors. Both were appointed to the board under the terms of a purchase agreement whereby Geokinetics acquired the onshore seismic data acquisition business of Petroleum Geo-Services ASA, including a multi-client data library relating to the business.
Langseth currently serves as the executive vice president and chief financial officer of PGS, having joined PGS in November 2003 and having been named to those positions in January 2004.
Tripodo has served as the executive vice president and chief financial officer of Helix Energy Solutions Group since June 2008.
Texas-based Geokinetics is a provider of seismic data acquisition, seismic data processing and interpretation services to the oil and gas industry worldwide as well as multi-client seismic data library services in the U.S.
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