Guardianship Abuse Victim’s Condition Deteriorates Following Court’s Ruling
Within hours of the court’s decision, Karilyn’s eldest daughter relocated her to a facility with limited physical therapy resulting in Karilyn's rapid decline.
NEW YORK, NY, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, February 11, 2022 / -- After Broward County’s 17th District Court denied guardianship abuse victim Karlyn Montanti’s right to be heard at the Suggestion of Capacity hearing January 14th, 2022, her condition has severely worsened and deteriorated. The court denied Karilyn due process at the hearing: it rejected her request to appear in court and for a continuance due to her hospitalization after undergoing emergency hip surgery. The judge proceeded with the capacity hearing in Karilyn’s absence in a courtroom closed to the public and refused to allow questions of the court- appointed doctor. In addition, the court refused to hear from any witnesses, including other psychiatrists and doctors who were prepared to testify to her capacity.
Within hours of the court’s finding of incapacity, Karilyn’s eldest daughter relocated her to a nursing home over an hour away from her residence and family members who live nearby. Following emergency hip surgery, Karilyn underwent a regimen of intensive physical therapy at JFK North Hospital 7 days a week, several times a day which is needed for someone with this type of injury. Since her eldest daughter selected a nursing home that only offers limited occupational and physical therapy in Lauderhill, instead of an intensive rehabilitation facility, Karilyn’s condition has rapidly declined.
Ms. Montanti ‘s younger daughter has been advised by several medical professionals at Karilyn’s present nursing home that this facility is inadequate to address her needs; she requires a facility that offers more intensive and frequent therapy. In addition, Karilyn’s daughter was also advised by Karilyn's treating doctor that with proper therapy, she should have been out of the rehab facility within two weeks.
Due to the lack of necessary physical therapy, Ms. Montanti’s condition has taken a turn for the worse. She is not receiving the level of rehabilitation she needs and is limited to therapy once a day a couple of days a week; this is far less than what is needed for any patient coming off major hip surgery. Because she is in tremendous pain and not mobile from the lack of required therapy, she has gotten severely depressed, tired and has lost her will to live. She has requested a transfer to the hospital, but her requests are being ignored. Several appeals have already been filed by Chrisitine Montanti’s attorney J. Ronald Denman seeking a reversal of the judge’s prior order in this matter, but Ms. Montanti's family feels that Karilyn may be running out of time.
Statement from Christine Montanti’s Attorney, J. Ronald Denman:
“To know that someone can become so hopeless due to their belief that the legal system has completely failed them is disheartening. Unfortunately, individuals who have committed crimes can appear to have greater safeguards against being thrown in prison than elderly individuals who are stripped of their voice to be heard in guardianship proceedings.”
Broward County Case Number: PRC180004278
Christine Montanti
Christine Montanti Public Relations
+1 631-470-5987
email us here
WATCH NOW: Guardianship abuse victim Karilyn Montanti speaks out at