New York State Court Reporters Association Plans Spectacular Court Reporting & Captioning Week 2022
The nation's oldest stenographic association will host webinars in dialect training, organizational innovation, and other relevant topics.
Sunday, February 6, the association will hold its Fourth Annual Student Forum. Featured speakers include NCRA President Debbie Dibble, for school focus and motivation; Manhattan Senior Court Reporter Lisa Webb, for time management; Shaunise Day, for Steno in the City and Confessions of a Stenographer; Bob and Lauren Schechter, for TotalCaption; and Christine Smith, professional scopist.
February 7 features Erika Jacobi, Ph.D., CEO of LC GLOBAL®, presenting “How to Stay Relevant in an Industry at the Risk of Disruption.” This session is designed to offer guidance and hands-on tools to maneuver these times of uncertainty by probing into ways of reinventing and repositioning live stenographic captioning and reporting services to survive and thrive despite adversity. The seminar is worth 0.2 CEUs.
February 8, CulturePoint3, a national linguistics training vendor, will present “Speech Perception, from Spoken Word to Written Text.” They will introduce the science behind how people hear, process, and understand speech, and how that relates to dialects, accents, and misunderstandings. They will cover contemporary psycholinguistic research on how unsegmented, continuous speech sounds are transformed in the brain as people listen to speech. The seminar is worth 0.2 CEUs.
February 9, several association leaders will come together to discuss “Associations and Advocacy.” Representatives will speak about the incredible and often unsung work of various organizations at work to promote and strengthen the stenographic field: Speakers will include Rich Germosen and Meredith Bonn, National Court Reporters Foundation; Stacey Raikes, NCRA STRONG; Carol Naughton, NCRA’s National Congress of State Associations; Nancy Varallo, Project Steno; and Anthony Frisolone, NCRA’s Public Relations Outreach Task Force and Content Creation Task Force. The seminar is worth 0.15 CEUs.
February 10, NYSCRA will hold a Freelance Agency Owners Forum. Owners of stenographic freelance agencies in New York will discuss the current state of the business and answer participants’ questions submitted in advance. Panelists include Marc Russo, MGR Reporting; Ken Sorkin, The Little Reporting Co.; Grace Pirozzi, Pirozzi & Hillman; Judy Rossi, Bee Reporting; Debra A. Levinson, DALCO; and Cassandra Caldarella, CoverCrow. The seminar is worth 0.15 CEUs.
On February 11, NYSCRA Board member Margaret Carney will conduct a live practice dictation session for members of the association. Additionally, NYSCRA has hired trainers from four computer-assisted transcription vendors, ProCAT, StenoCAT, Eclipse, and CaseCATalyst, to conduct two-hour training workshops. Each workshop is worth 0.2 CEUs.
"For $64, our association members across the state can attend multiple dynamic workshops and earn 0.7 CEUs," said Joshua Edwards, NYSCRA immediate past president. "I am proud of all we have planned for the benefit of our members and industry. This is just the beginning. I look forward to many such sessions from other state associations and our national association in the future."
Joshua Edwards, RDR, CRR, CRC, ACR, RCR
New York State Court Reporters Association
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