EAPA Offers Support for Those Affected by the U.S. Tornado Outbreak
Employee Assistance Professionals Association
EAPA coordinates with members to support tornado relief and convey the value of counseling to cope with psychological effects common to natural disasters.
The psychological effects of tornadoes can be long-lasting and the resulting trauma can reverberate even with those not directly affected by the disaster. Effects can include mood changes, such as depression or heightened anxiety, and can affect cognitive function, cause fatigue and loss of appetite. The emotional after-effects can particularly affect children, which can last for weeks or even longer, causing nightmares or fear of going to sleep, outbursts or tantrums and withdrawal.
“Our hearts go out to everyone who’s been affected by these tornadoes, and we’re determined to do our part in providing support and relief to those in need,” said Julie Fabsik-Swarts, EAPA CEO. “We ask everyone to please contribute – your generosity will go a long way in helping as many people as possible get the appropriate treatment and put them on the path to recovery. From all of us at EAPA, and on behalf of our membership, thank you!”
EAPA is encouraging its membership to help promote the following resources (organized with the help of Inova Employee Assistance), and to donate to the various GoFundMe relief efforts that have been established:
• Click for Kentucky Disaster Resources1
• Click for Tennessee Disaster Resources2
• Click to Donate to Tornado Outbreak3 GoFundMe
About the Employee Assistance Professionals Association (EAPA)
EAPA is the global leader in the certification, support, development, and networking of Employee Assistance (EA) professionals with members in over 40 countries around the globe. EAPA is the global leader of information and support for and about the EA profession. EAPA publishes the Journal of Employee Assistance, EAP NewsBrief, hosts the annual EAPA Institute and EXPO, and offers training and other resources to fulfill its mission: to promote the highest standards of Employee Assistance practice and the continuing development of EA professionals, programs, and services.
The first organizing meeting for the Association of Labor and Management Administrators and Consultants on Alcoholism (ALMACA) was held in April 1971, and it was incorporated sometime later that year. The association name was officially changed to Employee Assistance Professionals Association (EAPA) in 1989. EAPA is headquartered in Arlington, Virginia, USA. For more, visit www.eapassn.org.
Charles Epstein
BackBone Inc.
+1 516-770-4926
email us here
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1 https://www.eapassn.org/Portals/11/Docs/Workplace%20Disaster/Resources%20for%20Kentucky%20Tornado%20Disaster-1.pdf?ver=b5JRVjhVF_mRTidLTM9sqA%3d%3d
2 https://www.eapassn.org/Portals/11/Docs/Workplace%20Disaster/Resources%20for%20Tennessee%20Tornado%20Disaster.pdf?ver=F90yNmNIHhrL6-BHdNac5Q%3d%3d
3 https://www.gofundme.com/c/act/tornado-outbreak-fundraisers