Arab African Council on Socioeconomic Development (AACSED) Chairman - issues Eco Capacity Exchange Notice
Arab African Council on Socioeconomic Development
Arab African Council on Socioeconomic Development (AACSED) Chairman - issues Eco Capacity Exchange Notice Temporarily suspending his advisory support
LONDON, UK, November 30, 2021 / -- Arab African Council on Socioeconomic Development (AACSED1) Chairman - issues Eco Capacity Exchange Notice, Temporarily suspending his advisory support whereas the Chairman Dr Zayed Stated that:
"Having supported officially the ECO Capacity Exchange and its Chairman James Fierro since December 2020 we regret to inform that due to a lack of follow up with governmental officials in several countries for which the counsel introduced ECO whereby value propositions were made but not followed up upon sufficiently - we have no choice but to protect our professional cred-ability with the countries involved including the country of UKRAINE - Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Libya and others"
"We have represented the interests of ECO and given them Presidential Level access in the countries mentioned and others while we have not seen the reciprocal follow up as expected to support value propositions rendered to these official governmental and national entities"
"In addition while several corporate board officials are members of the AACSED we do not represent any civilian companies concentrating on our humanitarian and commercial interchange with International organizations - Governments and NGOs"
In the future we reserve the right to reactive our support for the ECO Capacity Exchange, in case it may have a change of management and a new operational model for follow up, CRM and financial management, internally"
The Chairman had no further comment
Dr Mohamed Zayed
+20 115 024 9763
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