EFSA launches ‘EU Choose Safe Food’ campaign on World Food Safety Day
Food comes in many shapes. Some are big. Some are tiny. Some are beautiful and shiny. Others, not so much. Some are delicious. Others, well… it’s a matter of taste. But whether you like them or not and wherever they come from, you can trust that your food is safe. And that’s thanks to science.
European consumers are among the best protected and informed in the world about food chain risks. The EU food safety system gives every European citizen the right to know how the food they eat is produced, processed, packaged, labelled, and sold. As part of this system, EFSA’s impartial experts review scientific data and studies to evaluate food risks. And in an inter-connected food chain, EFSA cooperates with national food safety authorities across Europe, national partners, and international bodies, so that Europeans can savour their meals with full peace of mind.
This World Food Safety Day, EFSA is launching its #EUChooseSafeFood communication campaign that will run throughout the summer of 2021. It aims to raise awareness about the science behind our food and tell the story of the scientists who work to make sure it’s safe. Its overall goal is to encourage citizens to think critically about their everyday food choices.
For more information see the new #EUChooseSafeFood website