Continuous Improvement in Education: Supporting Innovation in Maine Webinar Series
The Regional Educational Laboratory Northeast and Islands in partnership with the Maine Department of Education and the Region 1 Comprehensive Center is excited to announce the Continuous Improvement in Education: Supporting Innovation in Maine Webinar Series. This webinar series is designed to help build the capacity of Maine educational leaders and teachers to understand and apply the principles and practices of continuous improvement. Participants will learn about identifying areas for improvement, implementing intended improvements, collecting data related to implementation, making sense of these data, and using the evidence in making improvement decisions.
The Regional Educational Laboratory Northeast and Islands works to bridge the worlds of educational research with educational practices in the field by supporting collaborative research partnerships between educators. The REL is designed to support educators through training, applied research studies, technical support and coaching. Please join us to learn more about how we are working to support Innovational Educational practices in Maine.
We encourage all educators to register for this unique opportunity to build capacity for innovative educational practices.
Sign up here to be a part of this important conversation.
Session 1 – April 29, 2021, 3:30–4:45 p.m. Eastern Session 2 – May 19, 2021, 3:30–4:45 p.m. Eastern
Even if you cannot attend the live sessions, register at the link above to receive an email when the recordings of the webinars are available online.
For more information, contact Martin Mackey, Maine Department of Education, Office of Innovation at